/Chapter Sixty-Two/

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Third Person

"So you resigned?" Somi asked as they arrived at Y/N's car.

"Yeah, right after I went back on the company last night," Y/N said as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Oh, wait... how about my car?"

"I'll drive it back to your apartment." Y/N just said.

"Ok. Uhm so you bought groceries?" Somi asked as she looks at the back.


As Y/N drives she keeps on glancing at Somi's ankle.

"Are you sure we don't need to go to the hospital?"

"Yeah, this is not a big thing." Somi just said.

After few minutes they arrived at the house as Y/N carried Somi first before carrying the groceries.

"This is the first time you bought meat and vegetables for your fridge," Somi said as Y/N took the last grocery bag.

"Healthy living," Y/N said and chuckles.

"Wait up, I'll just get something," Y/N said as she went into the kitchen and went back with an ice bag and bucket.

"I don't know if this is right but my mom used to do his on me before," Y/N said and kneeled as Somi is sitting on the couch.

Y/N sat on the floor and started to massage Somi's ankle and putting some ice.

"Does is it hurts?"

"Not really."

Y/N nods and walks back to the kitchen and went back to the living room.

"I thought you were busy?" Y/N asked as she's putting bandages on Somi's foot.

"Busy on following me?" Y/N added.

"I'm not following you." Somi denied.

"Really? Ok." Y/N just said and sat on the couch after she put a bandage on Somi.

A moment of silence filled the space as it turned to awkwardness. Both have thoughts running in their mind as they don't know what to say.

Should I clear what I said last night? Did she even remember it? Y/N thought.

Should I ask about the last night? How can I ask if she did this? Why she suddenly became so nice? Somi thoughts.

"Do you think-" "Do you remember-"  both of them started making them startled.

"Oh, what is it?" They asked the same.

"You go first," Y/N said.

"No it's ok... you go," Somi respond.

Y/N stops as she scratches her nape.

"N-no I have nothing to say,a-actually."

"Oh," Somi uttered. Y/N looked at Somi as if she's asking what would the latter want to say.

"Uh do you eat already? I can cook if you want?" Somi said as she slaps herself mentally.

"Ah yeah, can you walk?"

"A little..." Somi said as she moves her foot.

"Let me help you," Y/N said and stand up again to help Somi on walking.

While limping, Somi arrives at the kitchen with Y/N's support.

Y/N looked around and saw the chair beside her counter.

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