/Chapter Forty-Nine/

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Third Person

As the lunch break started, Y/N walk-in the cafeteria to wait on Somi. She opened her phone to checks the time and look around.

"Where is she?"

Y/N went to the cashier to get her lunch and walk on a vacant table as she waits.

Just right after she sat on the chair, she keeps on checking the phone whether to check the time or if the latter has a call but none.

"I should have expected this," Y/N muttered as she grips on her phone.

She puts the straw in her drink and chugs it. Impatiently checking the phone like waiting for an important call.

10 minutes had passed but Somi is still not around, Y/N left her food and decided to get into Somi's classroom.

"Argh, Somi, I swear!" Y/N hissed.

She stopped at the midway and shuts her eyes.

"Why do I even getting up her? She's the one who needs my tutor and not me." Y/N coo to herself.

She's about to get back in the cafeteria when she heard a familiar laugh coming from the way she's about to go.

"Right," Y/N uttered and faced the familiar voice.

Instead of bursting out of anger, she smiled at the latter as she waits on the latter to notice her.

"Yeah, actually I'm w- Y/N." Somi stops as she saw Y/N.

"Hi, Somi." Y/N greets with a smile.

"Oh, you know Y/N sunbaenim?" A girl named Doyeon said.

"You know her?" Somi asked Doyeon.

"We supposed to be in the same class if I didn't stop," Doyeon said.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Somi asked cluelessly.

Y/N keeps her smile as she speaks.

"Are you really going to be the cause of my headache, huh Jeon Somi?"

"S-somi, I'll see you later," Doyeon said and left the two.

"Hey, why?" Somi asked.

Y/N shuts her eyes and breathes deeply.

"Nothing," Y/N said and about to walk away when Somi clings to her.

"Wait, did you eat already? Let's eat together." Somi squeals.

Irritatingly, Y/N pulled back her arm from Somi.

"I ate already," Y/N said.

Somi looked at her watch and realized that its 30 minutes had passed.

"Then let's start tuto- oh sh-..." Somi stops as she realized that she missed her tutor with Y/N.

"Y/N wait!" Somi said as she runs to Y/N.

"I'm sorry I forgot, "Somi said.

Y/N stops and faced Somi.

"You intentionally did that. now if you are going to waste my time the next day, then it's fine. I didn't expect much from you." Y/N said and about to left but Somi stopped her.

"I'm sorry if I wasted your time. But just so you know, I know you're not expecting much on me. But please be mindful of your words. I'm still a person, I have feelings Y/N." Somi said and left.

Y/N was left standing in the corridor as the students just passing through her. She huffed and walk back to her classroom.

"Y/N, do you know Somi?" Jungkook asked, her classmate.

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