/Chapter Eighty-One/

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Somi's PoV

We finished talking to Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie. They announced that they are planning to get married. Y/N and I went to my house to get my stuff there.

"Somi, you're apartment is big for you," Y/N said as she wandered her eyes around the place.

"Yeah, that's why I feel lonely every time I am here." I sighed.


I sighed and faced Y/N. She's currently sitting on the side of my bed. I walk closer to her and wraps my arms around her neck as I'm standing in between her legs.

"Babe,"  I called up so she looks upon me.


"I need to tell you something, but promise me you'll be honest and tell me what you really feel," I said.

I know Y/N is such a kind person but at the same time, she's straightforward. Now, I can say that she's becoming mindful of her words but I preferred the straightforward Y/N.

"Ok." She said and wraps her arms around my waist.

I gulped and grab confidence.

"Do you want to leave outside this country?" I asked making her frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, uhm... let's live in another country? Probably in Canada?"

She sighed and caressed my back.

"I need to study here. Plus mom is here, Dahyun and Umji." She said.

I sighed once again and just nod.

"Why? Is there a problem? Don't you want to live here?" She asked continuously.

I became so anxious suddenly, I don't know if she will understand why I need to go back to Canada. Knowing she gave up the company just to be with me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked and almost chuckled as she saw me tearing up.

I wiped my tears and kneel to level her.

"Say it, what's wrong?" She said as she caressed my cheeks.

"I don't want us to be separated," I said stopping myself to cry.

"Separated? Why?" She asked and started to feel anxious too.

"I want to do modeling again. But I need to go back to Canada for that. I was thinking if you like to go with me but like what you said, you want to stay here because you're still studying and your mom is here." I said and now crying.

Why the hell, I'm crying. It's just in Canada... yeah, Canada to Korea, fuck!

She laughs and helps me to get up. She asked me to sit on her lap as she wraps my arm around her neck and her arms on my waist.

"Let's go, when is the flight?" She asked making me startled.


"You said you want to go back to Canada." She said

"Y-yeah, but how about you?"

"I'm going with you. I'm your cure. We can't get separated." She said and giggles.


She rests her chin on my shoulder and looked at me directly in her eyes.

"I don't want you to leave me again, Somi. I'm serious, let's get ready." She said and about to stand up but I stop her.

"Why?" She asked.

"But how about your mom? Your friends here and your study?" I asked.

She stops and I know that she's thinking so hard.

"I can still be connected to the right? Plus, studying abroad, won't be hard for me. Don't you trust me?" She asked.

"I do! Oh my gosh Y/N! I love you!" I said and hugged her tightly.

She chuckled and hugged me too.

"Anything for you, Somi." She said earning my love for her again.

If I'm going to rate, it's over 100 already. I feel so lucky! Damn lucky!

"Is this what unnie and you talked about?" She asked.

I looked at her and nod.

"Oh, that's why when we talked privately, she was like losing a puppy in her house. She's literally like 'Oh Y/N, take care of yourself. Always eat, and take your medicine if need to' stuff like that." Y/N said.

I just laughed at how she reenacted the conversation with her sister. I can't tell how happy I am. Seeing her with a fine relationship with her sister and seeing another side of Y/N that she never shows to others.

"Why do you always make me feel so special, sweetie!" I whined as I pout.

After we finished getting my things, We drive back to Y/N's apartment. Our flight will be soon next week. So we still got time to prepare.

"I'll cook for our dinner, what do you want to eat?" I asked as I head to the kitchen since Y/N insists to fix my things in her room.

"Anything, just see what's on the fridge." She said and get in her room.

I opened her fridge and just see whatever I can cook. It's a good thing that Y/N is not choosy when it comes to food. She literally eats everything that's made me easier to prepare food for us. I'm not a great cook tho, but at least I can do this for her.

After several minutes, Y/N went into the kitchen and watches me cook.

"Is it ok if I can't cook like what you're doing for me?" She suddenly asked making me look back at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Some like their partner being good in the kitchen." She said as she rests her chin on her hands, supported by her elbow.

"Oh, so you want to do it in the kitchen, instead." I joked. It took a minute before she gets what I am trying to say. She pouts and hissed.

"That's not what I'm trying to say!" She screams out of embarrassment.

"Tho you're really good, in bathroom, living room or-"


I laughed and stopped talking about it. She clearly shy when we are talking about it.

"Well about your question, I do sometimes want my partner to cook for me. But I don't want our house to get on fire tho." I said and laughed.

She just nods and after minutes, she helped me to prepare the food after I finished cooking it.

"Oh, tomorrow. Can you stay here and wait for me?" She asked.


She looks at me and I can clearly see worries in her eyes.

"I need to get my things on the company... Dad will be mad if he will still see it there." She said.

I suddenly became sad about her situation. I know that she doesn't want to. but she gives way for her sister and me also.

I held her hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Y/N. I will never stop myself from thanking you." I said and smiled at her.

I'm so lucky, so lucky.

a/n: Hey, there's probably a problem on my account as I can't post an announcement and notify my followers but, I released a new story "Invisible" it is a Nayeon x Fem Reader. I hope you'll read it too <3 thank u!

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