/Chapter Ninety-Two/

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Your PoV

It's already 10:00 pm based on the wall clock beside my bed. The others went back to the condo while Somi and mom stayed here.

"Hey, you need anything?" Somi asked as she walks towards me.

Mom is sleeping after a long day. She said that she already talked to dad.

"I need to use a comfort room," I said.

"Let me help you." She said.

Since the room doesn't have its own comfort room, Somi gets a wheelchair and supports me to get up.

As I sat on the wheelchair, Somi is the one who's pushing it.


"Hmm?" I hummed as I looked at her from behind.

"You scared me, I thought-"

"Shhh, I'm fine, See?" I said reached for her hand and put it on my cheek.

"Your hand came softer," I mumbled.

Not so long we arrived at the comfort room.

"Should I come in also?" Somi said making me look at her.

"You're joking, aren't you?"

"What? As if I didn't see that before." She said and chuckled.

"Nah, just stay there. The cubicle is small for the two of us." I said and tried to get up.

As I got inside, I sat carefully since I can still feel the sting on my abdomen.

"Babe?" Somi called up from outside.


"Do you miss your mom?" She asked.

"Yes, of course."

After seconds, I finished my thing and wash up.

"I'm done," I said as I stood up.

Somi helped me once again and bring me to the wheelchair.

Somi didn't talk after that. She's about to push it again but I stopped it with my foot.

"Are you fine?" I asked as I looked back at her.

"Y-yeah, let's go, your mom must be looki-"

"Somi, are you ok?" I asked again.

"I just..."

"Just?" I asked as I wait for her to speak.

She walks in front of me and kneels to level me.

"Jeongyeon unnie wants you back in South Korea. She said that it will be good since your dad is not there anymore. And you miss your mom." Somi said.

"I mean, it's fine with me if you want to. I just know that I will miss you because I can't come with you." Somi said with her eyes telling it.

"I want you to be honest, do you want to go back?" She asked.

I think first because to say, I want to be with mom. There so many things that I didn't able to do because I was locked in my dad's hands.

I sighed and caressed her cheeks. Without hesitation, I brought her face close to mine and touches her lips using mine.

She kisses me with the same excitement as the first time we kissed. An overwhelming feeling building inside me. I grabbed her waist and let her see on my lap without minding if she touches my freshly stitch.

She snaked her arms around my neck and deepened her kiss.

A chuckle came out between our kisses as I realize that we are in a public comfort room.

"Why?" She asked.

"Let's go back, mom must be waiting."

She laughed slightly and went back behind me.

"So what's your decision?" She asked as she pushes the wheelchair.

"One year is not long right?"

She stopped and looked at me surprisingly.

"One year!? Damn, are you serious?"

"I mean we can talk through the phone? Video calls and such?"

She sighed as she kneeled on my side to level me again.

"Y-yeah, but..."

"Well, I forgot to tell you but... I have problems getting the files from my school... I only need to finish one school year so might as well continue it, right?" I asked.


"Look, after one year I'll go here. I promised that."

"You always do promises, I hate it." She said as she averts her eyes.

"Haven't I fulfilled it?"

She looks at me and this time her eyes are on verge of crying.

"Y-you do but what if you're going to be busy? What if you forgot to call me? You find someone-"

"No, I would never."

"How sure you are?" She asked.

"I'm sure, Somi I'm really sure. Do you think I will go back to Korea to find another partner?"

"I'm just."

"No, Stop thinking about it. I promised, after a year I will go back here."

Third Person

After days of staying in the hospital, Y/N has been discharged from the hospital and go back to their condo.

"Tomorrow we'll head back to Korea," Y/N said to Somi as they walk into their room.

"I know, I'm going to miss you," Somi said as she hugged Y/N and they laid on the bed.

Y/N sighed and hugged Somi tightly.

"Nado, but we can still talk, see each other in a video call."

"Can we stay like this till tomorrow? I need to save your scent, one year is long for me." Somi said.

"Nothing will happen to you when I'm not beside you right?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, as long as you won't cheat on me."

"I won't," Y/N said and laughed.

"How's your stitch, is it fine already?" Somi asked.

"Well, kinda."

Somi smiled and holds Y/N's jaw and make her look at her. Somi brings her lips to the latter and kisses it passionately.

In just a blink, Somi is already on Y/N's top as Y/N's is in between of Somi's thighs.

"Somi my w-wound."

"Sorry, babe. I will be careful." Somi said as she leaned down and kissed the latter again. Y/N's hand unconsciously went caressing Somi's thigh.

"I love you forever." Somi coed after she kissed Y/N. Her forehead is leaning down against the latter while her eyes are shut.

"I love you more, till we die," Y/N said as she rubbed Somi's cheek with her thumb.

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