/Chapter Seventeen/

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Your PoV

I opened my eyes finding myself not in my room. I roamed my eyes and confirmed that it's not our room. I started to get panic, I hopped out of the bed but I suddenly fell because of the pain in my head.



I was startled as I heard someone called my name. Then Somi went in.

"You're awake- oh... are you ok?" She asked and run to me as she saw me on the floor.

I'm just staring at her for a minute then I suddenly snapped out.

"W-what happened?" I asked as I stood up and she helped me.

"I don't think you should know. But you're fine now. I called umji to pick you up here." She said.

I frowned and tried to remember what happened since Somi seems doesn't have any plan to tell me what happened.

"Y/N I said you do-"

She was cut as I shut my eyes and grabbed my head.

"Look, nothing happened. Tzuyu already banned those men.... don't worry." She said

I just remained in my position as I found myself crying. I felt Somi's hand at my back comforting me.

My hands started to shake and I started to sweat cold.

"Nothing happened. I told you, you don't need to know." She said with a sense of concern.


Somi stood up and went out then as she goes in she's with Umji already.


I immediately hugged her and cried even more.

"Oh no! Shh, don't worry. It's fine now. They didn't touch you, right? They didn't do something to you right?"Umji asked

I can't even reply since I just can't. I continued to cry as I thought it was the end of me.

"Thank god you're safe." She said and broke into our hug.

"Are you ok now? Do you want to go to our room instead?" She asked.

I just nodded in response. Umji helped me to stand up and we both exited the room.

While on the way, I'm keeping my head down as I don't know why. We arrived at our room then I just sat on my bed.

"Do you want me to tell this to Jeongyeon unnie?"

"N-no... It's ok. Somi said Tzuyu already banned those men." I said keeping my head down.

"You want us to go home already tomorrow?"

I snapped and looked at her. I don't even know. I'm starting to conclude that whenever I tried to be with unnie I always fall into trouble. First is in the maze and now this. I can't blame here since I was the one who got driven by my anger.

Umji sighed as I didn't respond. She just told me to sleep since I looked tired. I can still feel the pain in my back and my back head so I did what she said.

"So you'll just wait on Chaeyoung's decision right?" Umji asked as we both pack our things.

It's already morning and we already had breakfast. Now we are leaving the hotel to go back to our apartment.

I miss my bed, the peace, and my lone time.

"Yeah, but I think there's no use. You know me Umji, I'm not really the kind of person who'll give up and I have confidence in myself but this thing is giving me a lot of problems, I think I should give this up and look for another company to pair with." I said and sat on my bed as I zip my bag.

"Well, I pretty know you. You'll never waste your time. You always have a backup plan and If you say so, then go for it." She said and smiled.

I just smiled in return as a comforting silence occurred.

"Anyway Somi... I just forgot to ask you about this but... Why Somi is looking for you yesterday?" She asked which made me look at her.

I suddenly remembered yesterday when Somi called me but I ignored her.

Now I feel guilty... I bet she saved me with those men, aigoo! She always makes me feel this way and I don't even know why!

"I don't know too... but thanks that she looked for me if she didn't maybe I'm a dead ass now," I said and sighed.

"Yeah, Somi is not just a model but a great fighter," Umji said and laughed.

I raised my brow in her sentence which made her stop.

"Whatever, let's go now. I need to rest and after that look for the substitute company."

"That will be tough."

"Not really, I already saw one. I just need to set a meeting if ever." I said.

"As expected from Y/N."

"Hell yeah."


"Y/N wait for me outside, I'll just check us out," Umji said. I nodded and went outside where my car was parked.

While loading my bags, I saw Dahyun running into my place.

"Y/N!" She yelled.

"Dahyun-ah. What's the problem?" I asked

"I heard what happened... are you ok?" She asked

I smiled and nodded.

"Somi told you?"

"No... Tzuyu did, uh are you leaving?" She asked as she looks at my bag inside.

"Ne, need to."

"You didn't get the deal?" She asked

"I think... don't worry, the company will be good. Your business can count on us." I said and smiled.

"It's not about that. I'm just concern to you, you worked hard for that..." she said and pouted.

I giggled and nodded.

"It's ok, things are under control."

"You say so."

"Yeah, have fun alright!"

"Y/N, let's go," Umji said as she popped up.

"Bye Dahyun, see you next time."


We get in the car and I drive, while on the way Umji keeps on glancing at me.


"Are you.... somehow?"

"Umji, just tell it," I said.

"Do you like Dahyun?" She asked which made me hit the break.

"What?" I asked confusedly

"Right, It's impossible.... but you guys are close together."

"It's because she's nice. Just like you." I said and started the car again.

"How about Somi?"


"She's nice, she saved you... but you didn't act the same." She said

I came silently as I don't know what to respond to. I mean she has a point. I just don't know why, I don't like Somi but I don't hate her either.

"She's your ex," I said

"Y/N, if Somi suddenly has her interest in you... please, don't hit back." She said

"Why would I, and why would she?" I asked

"I just think... you know? But yeah that's doesn't matter anyway." She said

I looked at her eyes and confirmed something.

"You still love her, right?"

"Yeah... I still love her."

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