/Chapter Seventy-Nine/

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Your PoV

"Y/N what taking you so long! I'll go inside if you won't come out!"

"Y-yeah I'm coming!" I yelled back.

I went out of my bathroom and saw Somi fixing the coat that I let her wear.

"It will be much better if you'll untie your hair. How about that?" I asked.

"You think so?" She asked facing a mirror. I stand behind her and nod.

"Let me fix it," I said.

She faced me and let me do her hair. While I'm fixing her hair, I can't avoid looking at the marks on her neck.

What the hell happened to her neck?

wait, is that her illness again?



"I'm your cure right?" I asked worryingly.

She laughs and nods.

"Why?" she asked


If it's not her illness then what?

Seems like hickeys but...

"Let's go," I said.

She clings to me as we both head out of my house and get in my car.

"I cleaned your car. You threw up, I guess." She said.

I suddenly felt embarrassed as I felt my blood rising on my head.

"Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing," I mumbled.

She laughed and just buckled her seatbelt.

"It's fine as if you didn't threw up on me before when you were drunk too."

"I'm sorry, gosh," I said in embarrassment.

"Let's just go now, so we can go to Dahyun." She said.

I nod and started to drive. Along our way, I told her that Jeongyeon unnie is the CEO already but she didn't get shocked. Maybe unnie told her already.

"Shall we tell them that we are back together?" Somi asked.

"Up to you, I mean I'm all good."

She nods and smiled happily. As we arrived at the company, She's about to go out but I stopped her.

"Why?" She asked as she looks at me confusedly.

I opened my glove compartment and get the rings.

"I kept it... can we-"

"Yeah, for now on, no removing." She said as she gets one ring and wears it to me.

I smiled in fulfillment and did the same on her.

"Let's go."

"Yeah, let's go."

"I'll just talk to Ms. Bae, wait for me here," Somi said as she left.

I just sighed and walk-in Chungha's floor to get my things on my table.

"Been a while."

I looked back and saw Chungha standing in her doorway.

"Hey, uh... I just need to get my things. Suzy said that she came back already." I said.


I just nod and get my box on my table.

"So how are you? I heard you gave up the company." She said which makes me stop.

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