/Chapter Twenty-One/

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Your PoV

After Somi left I also went out of the comfort room and saw her back on our table.

"It's getting noisy, should we get a VIP room instead?" Umji asked.

"Sure, as long as it's your pay," Somi said that made Dahyun laugh.

"I'll pay for it, it's a celebration for me in the first place," I said that made them cheered.

I walk to the manager of the bar and asked her for a room for us which she instantly gave.

"Thank you!" I said

I called them and we walked into the room while our drinks are to be followed.

"I won't drink, as an elder I should watch on you guys," Dahyun said.

"Tsk, finally! Anyway,if I get drunk please stop me from making embarrassing things." Somi said

"Y/N, let's drink!" Umji said and cheered.

I just nodded and get a glass of soju.

While drinking we just continue to have some talks and most of it is about Dahyun's life. How is she with Eunwoo?

"You know kids, love is really complicated. I can't advise any further since it all different. And you know it Somi." Dahyun said which Somi replied with a nod.

"It may be a forever love with your first love or forever love to the second one? Who knows?" She said and shrugged.

"I guess Eunwoo and you are in first love." I guess and shrugged.

"Nah." She said, Somi and Umji nodded as if they know it.

"Eunwoo wasn't my first love, but to say... First love really hurts a lot."

"That's why I don't want it," I said and chuckles.

"Aigoo, you should get a life Y/N. How about after you got the company?" Umji said.

I just shrugged as I don't see myself in that situation.

"Why, you haven't experienced being in love?" Dahyun asked.

"Not in a million times."

"That was what Chaeyoung said Before," Dahyun said and laughed.

"Somi, would you like to help our little friend here?" Dahyun asked Somi who's in silence since we arrived.

She just looked at me and chuckles.

"I'm a hundred percent sure that she's not interested in it," Somi said then she whispered something on Dahyun. Umji and I are just looking at them confusedly.

"Ohh, well.... that's kinda tough, like what I said we are all different," Dahyun said and shrugged.

"You see, Y/N will eat all her words in the future and I would be glad to witness it," Umji said that made the others laugh.


Somi's PoV

It's been an hour since we arrived here in the bar. Y/N and Umji are already drunk while Dahyun and I are still sober.

"So tell me about the scent," Dahyun said. I kept my eyes on Y/N and Umji that are happily playing like usual drunk people doing. They are just messing around.

"I got near to her a while ago. I can't smell her love... I mean the scent of her love."

"That only means she doesn't have any interest in it. Right?"

"Yeah. But it also doesn't mean that it will be forever, like what I said scents can change. You said that Chaeyoung was like her before, I cannot say if the scent can truly change in Y/N since I didn't happen to know Chaeyoung's scent for the first time." I said and shrugged.

"I see, anyway. What happened to you?"

"Nosebleed, it's very usual so you don't need to worry."

"Did Y/N saw it? I saw her followed you."

"Really? I thought she really went there because she needs to." I said confusedly.

"Well... Y/N is a good woman if you'll see. She may be tough outside but she cares about people around her." Dahyun said as if she already knew Y/N for a long.

"How would you know?"

"Just Like Jeongyeon unnie. She may act like she doesn't care for Y/N but all of those are from her. You know, I happen to meet them first. Jeongyeon unnie told me everything. The time when Y/N went to the maze, she knew it too. Also, the time when Y/N was harassed. They are truly sisters." Dahyun said.

"Geez, we just stayed here for two hours yet they drank all these? They are monsters." I exclaimed

"Gladly Y/N gave me her wallet. She asked me to pay for the bill as they are wasted."

"As if they know that this will happen," I said and we both laughed.

I looked at Umji and Y/N who are on the couch wasted.

"Oh shit- how are they going home?" I realized.

"Oh... I forgot about that."

Dahyun went out first to pay for the bill then went back again.

"What now?" I asked

"Bad luck... I don't know where they live."

"Well I know but-"

"Good, then drop them."


"Me? I have something to do tomorrow."

"Please, I'll drive your car back to the share house then you use Y/N'a car to drop them."

I just sighed as I don't have any choice. I carried umji while Dahyun supports Y/N.

"I love yah Somi! Thanks!" Dahyun said as she left with my car.

I sighed heavily as I looked at Y/N and Umji in the backseat.

"It's funny how Y/N whined a while ago that she's with kids. Now I am the one who needs to babysit them." I said to myself.

I just shook my head and get in the car as I drive Y/N's car to her apartment.

While driving I looked at the rearview and saw Y/N and Umji still sleeping.

Is that even possible, a person who doesn't have a scent of love?

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