/Chapter Twenty-Three/

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Somi's PoV

"I'll leave now, I already prepared for your food. I hope you guys will be fine." I said

"Don't you want to stay and eat with us?" Y/N asked

I just smiled and shake my head.

Just last night she seems to hate me.

"I need to go, bye," I said and bowed. I looked at Umji but she's not even looking at me.

I think she'll be better soon.

"Thank you Somi."

"You're welcome," I said and left the house. I drive back to my apartment to change when my phone suddenly rings.


["Somi, What happened to Y/N and Umji?"]

"If you are curious then you should be the one who stayed with them," I said to Dahyun who's in the other line.

["You know that I have something to do right? So how are they?"]

"Fine... I guess." I said

["Ok, That's all I need to know. Bye!"]

I bet she'll tell it to Jeongyeon unnie. I wonder what she'll do if she finds out Y/N's situation...

As I arrived at my house, I walk to my room and changed myself. While changing I noticed something on my body.

"Is this the effect?" I asked myself as I saw rashes but it's not itchy or what.

"Hays, I should stop thinking about it. If I'm destined to see that person then destiny will let it. If not, then not." I just said

As If I had a choice.

Your PoV

Umji and I finished eating, I get her plates to wash them the same as mine.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I noticed that she's not talking, even when Somi left...

"Yeah." She said melancholically.

"You're not, anyway... Can you remember what happened last night? I think that would be the last that I will drink too much." I said and held my head.

"I can't remember anything..." she said

I looked at her and sighed as I crossed my arms.

"Did something happen?" I asked

She didn't respond which made me form a conclusion.

Don't tell me it's about Somi again.

"Do you want me to drop you at your house?"

"Can I just stay here?" She asked and looked at me.

"Yeah but... Ok, I just need to go to the company to talk to dad. Are you ok here alone?"


"Ok, I'll get back real quick," I said

After washing the plates, I walk to my room and get clothes as I decided to take shower first.

"I hope I didn't do something ridiculous last night. It's so embarrassing if I did." I said

After taking a shower, I dried my hair and I wear my clothes.

"Umji, I'll go now," I said and walk out of my room.

As I get in my car, I received a call from Dahyun.

["Yow, are you fine?"]

"Yeah, I'm getting back to work. Thanks, last night."

["That's nothing, Somi did the rest so must thank her."]

"Yeah, anyway need to go. See you if you want to?"

["Ah yeah, bring Umji so we could hang out. Here in the café."]

After that, she ended the call. I just sighed as I realized how lucky is Dahyun. She's married already but she looks like she's not. It's just that... she can get along with us, you know.

As I arrived at the company, the staff started to greet me.

"Where's Chairman Yoo?" I asked his secretary.

"You're so formal Y/N-ssi. Your dad is in his office."

"We're in the company, do you expect me to be wild?" I asked and walk ahead.

I knocked first and as I got the signal, I went in.

"You really have the courage to go here after what you did?" Dad asked

"I'm pretty sure you're not that mad at me Chairmain Yoo. Did you have a meeting with Chairman Kim already?" I asked ignoring his glare.

"I'll be meeting her later, I want you to attend too."

"Ok Chairman Yoo," I said and about to leave when he stopped me.

"The meeting is at our house. It's dinner. Come at home later." He said.

"I will."

After that, I left the company and contacted Umji.

"Are you still in my apartment?"

["Yeah, why?"]

"At Dahyun's café. I'll wait for you there."


After that, I drive myself to Dahyun's Café. Since there's no traffic I arrived within 30 minutes.

"Y/N-ssi! Good morning." Dahyun greeted.

"Good morning," I said and inhaled the scent of the coffee.

"You look stressed, is it because of last night?"

"Probably, can I get coffee?"

"Sure, I'll get you a dessert too." She said and left.

I look for a vacant chair and saw one near the window. I sit and just looked outside the window.

"Red string... Is that even real?" I asked myself.

I don't know why but I suddenly thought of that. I remember the interview of Mina unnie and Chaeyoung. I heard that Chaeyoung can see the strings before. I don't know if I should believe... I don't even believe in the setup of love.

I closed my eyes and just enjoy the silence of the café. Since it's still morning the people here are just the passers who just finished their physical workout.

Dahyun is really smart to place her shop near the park where people jog.

"Here's your coffee, and your dessert," Dahyun said.

"Thank you, where's Eunwoo?" I asked

"He's in the kitchen making some orders. Where's Umji?"

"She'll arrive later."

"You didn't come together? I thought I told Somi to bring you both to your house."

"Well yeah, I left early to talk to dad."

"It went well?"

"Probably? He told me that I had the courage to go into the building after setting him up. As if he's not thankful that I closed the deal." I said and sip on my coffee.

"Tsk, You should be nice to him. He's still your father."


We continued the conversation when we heard the bell chimed.

I looked at that person and as I saw her, I looked outside again.

I felt Dahyun looked at me but I just pretended that I didn't care.

I don't need to talk to her anymore, I'm no longer chasing the company so why would I? Maybe that would be the last moment that I'll be interacting with her. With Jeongyeon unnie.

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