/Chapter Seventy-Five/

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Somi's PoV

"I'm going back to Canada," I said to Chaeyoung making her shocked. I didn't tell her but I told Mina unnie that I am going back to Canada after what happened.

I can't face Chungha nor Y/N. I know Chungha has nothing to do with this but knowing that she was used by Y/N too.

I didn't know that Y/N will really pursue that company. I thought she gave it up. It hurts knowing that she just used me to get the company without marrying Chungha.

As she knows that Chungha won't continue the marriage thing if she'll date Chungha's best friend.

I thought she dated me because she wants to. I can't believe I fell for her act.


I snapped as I heard a voice came in and saw Nayeon unnie.

Mina unnie and Chaeyoung looked at Nayeon unnie as I did the same.

"Someone wants to talk to you." She said.

I was expecting that it's Y/N again as Umji and Dahyun keep on saying that Y/N wants to talk to me but I just can't. I can't face her knowing the fact that she used me and Chungha.

"Jeongyeon unnie?" I uttered as I saw her went out behind Nayeon unnie.

"Girls, give them space." Nayeon unnie said to Chaeyoung and Mina unnie.

They go out leaving me with Jeongyeon unnie.

I just remained silent as she sat across from me and clears her throat.


"Somi... I, I want to say sorry."

I looked up at her and just smile.

"I understand, sorry I didn't tell you that I dated your si-"

"No, I mean.. sorry for ruining your relationship." She said making me frown.

"No... I understand that you just don't want me to date someone who doesn't love me... I just thought she's serious that she wants to date me... I was wrong."

I saw Jeongyeon unnie clenched her fist making me look at her worryingly.

"I am the CEO of our company now." She said.

"Oh really? Congrat-... what?"

"Y/N gave up the company. I found out that after she resigned to Chungha, she told to Chungha that she will give up the company."


"I-I know... I didn't think about what I did... Y/N, she... she talked to Nayeon before that, she said that she really resigned and willing to take over the company to me. Just this morning, Dad announced that I am the CEO."

"H-how about Y/N?"

"Dad is mad at her, He doesn't want to see her in the company so Y/N only goes to her school and goes back to the apartment."

"Somi... Y/N needs you, she really loves you."

Jeongyeon's PoV

"I actually went to her apartment yesterday. She doesn't feel ok. Worse than what she is before... she just smiled at me, and said that it's fine."

"I think she's trying to cheer herself but after all, she's too down. Her father disowned her, her sister betrayed her. Then she loses you..." I said with a sense of guilt.

When I visit Y/N yesterday, she just told me that she'll be fine. That she'll seek for the life that I told her... I teared up as I didn't expect her to say that.

I expect that she'll be mad at me. But she didn't, she just told me not to worry about her.

I suddenly felt a big slap on me. Seeing her so down but still manage to go out to go to school. She may be used to being alone. That only herself will cheer her.

"Somi, please... let Y/N explain her side. I'm sure that she loves you. She's not good at expressing words and she really hates it. but if she told you that she wants to explain to you, then maybe you can consider it as her way to show that she truly loves you."

"I-Im sorry for the mess that I've done," I said as I bowed.

Third Person

Somi didn't reply as she left the room and get in her car as she drives to Chungha's company.

"Somi, What's brings you here?" Chungha asked Somi as she saw her friend.

"Chungha, c-can I talk to you? For just a minute?" Somi asked pantingly.

"Uh sure, in my office," Chungha said.

They arrived at the office then Chungha sat on her chair.

"What is it?"

"About Y/N," Somi said making Chungha fall serious.

"Oh... about your girlfriend."


"She told me she's dating you, you haven't told me. I know i been busy tho." Chungha said.

"It's about the marriage, i-isn't true that she supposed to marry you?"

Chungha nods and leans on her chair.

"Yeah, I proposed it to her father. I'll continue the partnership if he will let me have Y/N."

"What? You didn't tell me that you like her."

"I do, but it doesn't matter now Somi. She's with you." Chungha said.

Somi went silent as Chungha said that.

"Y/N taught me to have respect for myself. She even told me that her father just wants to use me too. My respect for her is really unmeasurable... that's why I let her have what she worked on." Chungha said.

"But she gave up the company," Somi said.


"J-Jeongyeon unnie have the company."

"How? I- I thought Y/N is on the lead?" Chungha asked confusedly.

Somi just shrugged and sighed.

"I told her to stop seeing me. I thought she used me." Somi said.


"Oh my gosh Somi! Are you-"

"Sorry, I have to go," Somi said and went out of Chungha's company.

It's already 5:00 pm when she went out and decided to drive to Y/N's house.

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