/Chapter Nineteen/

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Third Person

After one month

It's been a month, the deal between Chaeyoung and Y/N didn't go through so Y/N did her plan right away. Her father thinks that Y/N is still working on the deal with the Son. Y/N made a deal with KC company which is owned by Kim Chungha the friend of Somi and the others too.

Y/N is in her car as she's on her way to the company. She got a call from her father.

["Y/N, it's been a month what's happening?"]

"Dad, don't worry, I'll close it now."

["Make sure of that, or else."]

Y/N hissed and ended the call. It's been a month yet there are many changed over Y/N. Before she doesn't care if the company will fall out of her but now it's like she's living over it which her father noticed. Her father threatens her that if she didn't get the deal then the company won't be hers.

It's not that Y/N is scared for the company not to fall on her hand but to think that she worked so hard over it, she wants to get the fruit of it.

On the other hand, Y/N is not worried too even if her father threatens her that the company won't be her if she didn't get the deal because she knows that her father doesn't get any heirs aside from her.

"It's time," Y/N said as she went out of her car and looked at the building in front of her.

She gets her bag and gets inside the building. The guards already knew her so they greeted Y/N. Why? Because of Y/N's hard work, she always goes to the company as she meets each of the board of the company.

"Y/N, good morning!" The secretary of Chungha said

"Suzy, good morning too. I'll see you later." Y/N said.

"Oh, so this is the day, good luck!"

"Yep, thanks."

"No problem, Gotta go, I need to see chairwoman Kim first..." Ms. Bae said and bid her goodbye.

Y/N looked at the figure of her friend as it went gone. She breathed in and composed herself.

"I can feel it now," Y/N said and smiled.

She walks into the meeting hall and saw the other boards who greeted her also.

"Good luck Ms. Yoo."

"Thank you, I'll make sure the meetings that we had won't fall into nothing," Y/N said.

As time passes, the chairwoman arrives with Ms. Bae.

"Chairwoman Kim is here already," Suzy said as she went in.

All of them looked at the person who came in and saw Chungha with a stunning aura.

"Good to finally see you," Y/N said with a smile.

"I do the same, Ms. Yoo. Let's start, the board keeps on saying how great you are, mind to prove yourself." Chungha said and sat on her chair.

Y/N nodded and started the presentation. Despite the others already saw the presentation they still can't avoid feeling surprised and proud of it. Y/N presented her presentation more confidently than usual which the board and Chungha saw.

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