/Chapter Eighty-Four/

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Somi's PoV

After more than half-day on the plane, we finally arrived in Canada. I can see Y/N's reaction as we are walking out of the airport.

"Wow, I never thought that my first place to travel will be where I am living too." She said leaving her mouth opened.


Y/N and I both snapped as someone called my name. Not so far, my parents.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled in excitement and run to them spreading my arms.

"Somi! We missed you!" Dad said as he kissed me on my head.

"I miss you too, oh anyway. I'm with her." I said excitedly and looked back.

I saw Y/N at the same place where we stopped. She's looking at us and smiling.

"Y/N! What are you doing there? Come here!" I yelled making her snap.

As she got near, I cling to her and faced mom.

"Mom, dad... Y/N, my girlfriend." I said.

Y/N bowed nervously and looked at them.

"I-it's nice to meet you, Mrs. and Mr. Jeon."

"Hmm... we heard a lot about you from Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu. You seem nice compared to what they said." Mom said making Y/N gulped.


"They said you are irritated to Somi before-"

"Mom," I called making them stop.

"I-I... S-somi has infinite energy. She always annoys me before." Y/N said making me look at her.

Really? Is this betrayal or what?

I heard mom and dad laugh at what Y/N said making her laugh nervously.

"Oh my god, you are the first-ever who has the courage to say that." Mom said.

"I know, let's continue this chat in the car," Dad said and help us with our luggage.

"Annoying huh? So you find me annoying." I hissed as mom and dad walk away.

"What? You're really annoying that time." She said innocently.

"Gosh Y/N, I still love you." I sighed as she chuckled.

We followed mom and dad as they are in the car already.

"Can we stop in the house first before I bring you to the penthouse?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, sure," I said.

I looked at Y/N and seems she fine with it even after 14 hours flight.

"So Y/N, right? Your parents have a company. I heard a partnership with the Kim's. Chungha is Somi's best friend." Dad said.

"Ah ne... It is currently handled by sister." Y/N said.

"Right, Jeongyeon. It's a surprise that Somi's partner will be someone related to her squad." Mom said.

I just remained silent as they talk comfortably.

"How come you didn't meet her before, Somi? Now that you said that she was the cure." Mom asked.

"Oh, I only met Y/N through Umji... they are best friends."

I saw mom and dad looked at each other as they know that Umji is my ex.

"You guys are fine?" Dad asked looking at Y/N through the rear mirror.

"Yes, sir... We are good and fine." Y/N said.

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