/Special Chapter 2.0/

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Somi's PoV

I went back home with heavy feelings inside me. How can she do that? After 5 years of being together, she just did that to me? For what?

Is it because of what I want? Maybe she's sick of all my wants. All she does is to consider what I want.

"It's my fault but why did she have to cheat on me?!" I cried.

I just let all my tears come out. I didn't expect that it will just fall there. For the past few days, I thought she's just busy but it turns out that she's using another excuse. Saying she'll be heading on the company but the truth is she's just going to meet her new girl.

It's all my fault, maybe she noticed that I'm feeling down this week after I told her that I want a baby!

I want to be mad at her but I end up blaming myself. Is it bad that I just want to have a family with her?

Y/N is the last person that I like to be with, but she's...

It's almost a month since she's doing this. How dare she lied to me.

But I am confused... if she cheated on me, then her scent should change the time she did that.

Or maybe Chaeyoung is right, our ability... we shouldn't trust on this as always.

"How can you do this to me?"

Third Person

Y/N came back home earlier. As she entered, she smells something from the kitchen.

"I'm home, what are you doing?" Y/N asked as she walks in.

Somi puts down the tray on the counter.

"Wow, can I have some?" Y/N asked and gets pieces of cupcakes.

"Since when you enjoy eating sweets?" Somi asked.

"Uhm... I just want to, wow. This is good." Y/N said and sat on the chair.

"I told you to get some, the last time when I did that but you didn't like it."

"Really? It's the best, hon." Y/N said.

Somi's brow furrowed as she let a sigh out. She leaves the kitchen as she knows she can't handle herself if Y/N will continue to act cluelessly.

"Hey, Somi, Don't you want to eat?" Y/N asked as she followed Somi.

"No thanks," Somi said and turned on the TV.

"Are you ok?" Y/N asked as he halted back.


Y/N frowned and put down the cupcakes and faced Somi.

"You should try baking some more. I really like it." Y/N said.


"Hmm... I think you're not in a good mood." Y/N sighed and walk into their room leaving Somi.

Somi was surprised as she wasn't able to hold back and followed Y/N. She slammed the door causing Y/N to startle.

"Somi, What's wrong?!" Y/N asked looking at Somi surprisingly.

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