/Special Chapter/

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Third Person (5 years after the wedding)

It's a tough day for Somi and Y/N. Y/N arrived late as she closed a deal with another company. She's currently a COO of Somi's parent's company and she really thanked her parents-in-law for trusting her to be on the company.

It's a good run for both, even Y/N's family. Jeongyeon has set a stable status on her company in South Korea while Y/N is doing great on parents' in a law company.

As Y/N entered their house, she noticed that the lights are off in the living room.

She frowned since she knows that Somi is in the house yet she didn't see her.

She walks into the kitchen and living room but Somi is not there. Y/N walked in the room lastly and saw a figure which her wife laying on her side and not facing her.

"Hey, Somi. I'm home." Y/N said as she takes off her coat and loosens the tie on her hair.

"Hey, are you sleeping?" Y/N asked as she claimed on the bed and crawl towards Somi.

She heard light sobs as she gets in so she made Somi look at her.

"Are you crying?" Y/N asked as she saw how puffy Somi's eyes and how red her nose is.

Somi didn't reply but hugged the latter.

"Somi, What wrong?"Y/N asked curiously.

She sat on her knees and caress Somi's back.

"I'll listen, come on."

"Are you hungry? did you eat? I told you not to wait on me because I will come late." Y/N said.

"It's not that." Somi finally said.

"Then what?"

Somi broke in the hug and looked worryingly at Y/N.

"Promise me you won't get mad or upset," Somi said.

Y/N brows flicked as her lips crawled up.

"Sure, what is it?" Y/N asked but she's kinda nervous too as it is been a long since she saw Somi with that expression.

"I-I... I want a baby."

Y/N left unspoken as she heard Somi's statement. That made her gulped unconsciously.

"W-we can adopt-"

"I want our own baby... I-I want to experience to love my own baby."

Y/N shuts her mouth and sat completely on the bed.

"There's what you call IVF... Sana unnie mentioned it and said they are currently taking that stage."

"You want it too?" Y/N asked.

"Y-yeah, But there's a problem..."


"I-I can't take the treatment... W-well I tried to consult if I'm capable of carrying a child b-"

"You want me to do it instead!?" Y/N asked surprisingly but down.

"N-no, I just... I thought you like to have one too. I know it's crazy to have that wish. I just-... sorry." Somi cried as she covered her face.

Y/N shuts her eyes and sighed deeply.

"I like to have one too, but can we make it?" Y/N asked.

"Y/N it's fine. You've always considering my wants. Let's forget it." Somi said.

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked. Somi just nod and hugged Y/N.

"Sorry, let's just sleep," Somi said.

Somi and Y/N woke up on time. Somi prepared a breakfast. Even if she's feeling blue, she tried to hide it.

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