/Chapter Fifty-Four/

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Somi's PoV

After driving Y/N to Chungha's company. I decided to drive to Mina unnie's house instead.

These days have been so tough and more hard for me when I entered college again.

Y/N is right, I shouldn't shift to another course. Well, it's not that I don't like the course I am taking right now. I just want to help mom and dad after the hard work they are giving to me. I want to learn how they manage the company to at least give back their kindness to me.

They actually just want me to pursue what I really like which is modeling... which I think is good, not until you'll hear there a reason why they let me.

'We are letting you on what you like because we don't know until when you will live.'

I mean they are right, I know that any time would be the end of me. And they just want me to experience what I really like to do. But knowing, even mom and dad lose their hope of me getting better.

I stopped as I arrived at Mina and Chaeyoung's house. I pushed the doorbell and waited for Mina unnie to open it.

I guess Chaeyoung is in her company. She became busy after Jeongyeon unnie left her company. Gladly Mina and Chaeyoung are still fine.

I want a relationship like that...

"Somi! What brings you here?" I snapped as Mina unnie showed up as she opens the gate.

"Hi, I just have free time," I said.

"Oh yeah, Dahyun told me your school started. Let's get in." She said.

We walked into the living room as she walks into the kitchen to get something.

I roamed my eyes as I saw many pictures of Mina and Chaeyoung on the wall. There are some frames on the cabinet and the center wall of the house is their wedding picture.

"Have some drinks, you can stay as long as you want." Mina unnie said as she went out of the kitchen.

"You guys have the strongest string," I said making her smiled at me as she sits across from me.

"You're lucky," I mumbled.

"Yeah, I'm lucky... but just to say, we didn't have it... we built it, Somi." She said.

"The strings are still on us, and I know it. I see it in my dreams. But dreams are irrelevant since we are living in this reality. All we can do is... make that dream come true."



"I. I had a dream last time, it was a nightmare- no... a good nightmare."

"What do you mean?"

"I told you before right? That I think Y/N's scent is for me?"


"I encountered it on my dream. I was laying on the ground and close to death, surrounded by colorful scents that weren't matched on me. Then out of the blue, her scent stood up."

"You mean Y/N?"

I nod and looked at her.

"There's a red string showed up, but-"


"Y/N's string... it was tangled into someone. I'm afraid that before she could find me... it will be late for me." I said

Your PoV

It's already almost 8 and I'm off to work now. I gave all the things that Chungha asked me and the thing she needs for tomorrow.

As I went out of the building, I suddenly received a call from my dad.

"Hello, dad."

["I want you to go here, now."] he said and ended the call.

I get a can since I don't have my car and drive myself on the company. While on the way, I called Umji to tell them that I'll be going late on our set time.

Not so long, I arrived at the company and walks into my father's office.

"Ms. Yoo, long time." My father's Secretary greeted me.

I just smiled and entered dad's office, seeing him on his chair.

"Good evening chairman Yoo."

"Have a seat." He said.

I nod and sit across from him.

"You've been busy in your school. I heard that you're tutoring someone." He said.

"It's not that hard for me, I just want to help my friend."

"And I'm afraid that by helping your friend you are losing your track." He said making me look at him.


"Chungha just sent a report. You're not a good help for her."

My mood went down as I heard what dad said.

"I'm sorry for that, I'll try to change m-"

"Your sister is doing great here. And I want to inform you that your sister is ahead of you. You only have a month Y/N. If you lose the chance, then the company will be on your sister."

I breathe deeply and let it out.

"You're disappointing me." He said making me smiled bitterly.

"I'm sorry d-"

"You know you can run this company too. And I know it too, so if you want to get this company without a hard time, then go on my plan." He said.

I knew it, they are trying to catch me up with the situation.

"I'll do my best to get back on track father. Thank you, have a good night." I said and walk out of his room.

Now I understand. He knows that I'm eager to have the company. Now that we have the partnership with Chungha's company which is the largest company next to Son's corporation.

Dad can't let over the partnership and his way is to follow what Chungha wants.

He knows that I won't agree as long as I don't have someone to compete with me so he called Jeongyeon unnie for another deal. Which is if unnie will compete with me and won, the father will accept her relationship with Nayeon unnie.

At first, dad said that Jeongyeon unnie is the one who approached dad, but knowing how long unnie's pride is high when it comes to dad, I know it's the other way around. That dad is the one who asked unnie.

"You can't make me marry her, I would never."

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