/Chapter Sixty-Nine/

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Third Person

"Are you sure you want to go now?" Y/N asked Somi asks she dries her hair.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. I can mentor Doyeon."

"Then Let's go to school together. The event is will be next week so don't stress yourself too much." Y/N reminded.

Somi smiled and stand behind Y/N as she gets the hairdryer.

"I know, it will be just easy for me," Somi said as she continued to dry Y/N's hair.

"How about you, what are you going to do?"Somi asked.

"Oh well, I'll be staying at the auditorium to check on our booth. Tris is the one who'll be having the reports tho." Y/N said.

"That's sounds so exhausting."


After they prepared, the two went out of the house and went to Y/N's car.

"After school shall we go to your house and get your things or let's do it tomorrow?" Y/N asked as she gets in.

"Depends on you, aren't you busy?"

"Well... let's just get it tomorrow, I have many clothes that you can wear tho."

Somi giggles and just nods.

"Yeah, I'd prefer wearing your clothes. Your scent stuck on those." Somi said.

Y/N laughed and started to drive to school. Not so long they arrived at the school and saw the students preparing too in their own booths.

"Hey Y/N!" Y/N snapped as someone called her and saw it's Tris.


"Oh, is she Somi?" Tris asked.

"Yeah, she agreed to mentor Doyeon," Y/N said.

"Wow, it's nice that you agreed. Y/N doesn't want to take a look after Doye-"

"It is not that I don't want to, I just can't." Y/N cut off.

"Oh Haha! Ok, Somi, have good work. Thank you again!" Tris said and leave.

Y/N and Somi walk into the school and went to the auditorium where the other students are.

"There is Doyeon, she probably waiting for you."

"Ok, I'll head now. See you later."

"Yeah take care," Y/N said and went back to their booth to fix their things.

Both of them had a busy moment separately. Y/N did her job as a club Vice President and Somi as Doyeon mentor.

After hours, Y/N took a break and went to Somi.

As she went to her place, She saw Somi sitting on the chair while watching Doyeon.

"You're not stressing yourself, are you?" Y/N asked as she sat beside the latter and handed her bottled water.

"Thanks. I'm not stressed that much since Doyeon is easy to handle." Somi said.

Y/N looked at Doyeon who is on the stage, ramping.

"Wow, she looks so confident," Y/N uttered as her eyes are stuck on Doyeon.

Somi looked at the latter and noticed the amusement, she grabbed Y/N's jaw and make her look at her.


Y/N chuckled and clings to Somi.

"You're more confident, of course."

"Somi, am I doing it well?" Doyeon asked from the stage.

"Yeah, get off the stage. You're earning my wife's attention." Somi said and mumbled at the last part.

Y/N laughed and clings to Somi even more.

"Hi, Sunbaenim." Doyeon greeted.


"You can go, you did great," Somi said to Doyeon.

"Thank you, haha!"

"We'll go now, see you tomorrow," Somi said and walk out with Y/N.

"Where do you want to eat?" Y/N asked.

"You don't have class anymore or things to do?"

"I finished it already."

"Let's go to the squad's hotel," Somi suggested.

"Ok, let's go."

The two went in Y/N's car as Y/N drives. While on the way, Y/N and Somi are just talking casually.

"I want you to meet my parents, sooner," Somi said making Y/N look at her.

"Already? Uh..."

"Are you nervous?" Somi asked as she read the latter.

"K-kinda... Just inform me when you're going to do it, at least before the day... so I can be ready." Y/N said and sighed.


"Hello, guys!" Somi greeted as they arrived at the hotel and saw her friends.

"You guys have lots of free time to stay here," Y/N mumbled.

"I know right, I'm already sick seeing them." Tzuyu butted in.

"Hey Somi, can we borrow Y/N for a while?" Dahyun asked.

Somi looked at Y/N who seems not interested in making her laugh.

"Sure, just bring her back after. We haven't eaten yet."

"Why, are you planning to eat her-"

"Shut up!" Y/N said as she stops Umji.

The others just laughed while Y/N walks with Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Umji.

While they are having fun and the others left, Somi just stared as she's smiling at Mina, Sana, Nayeon, And Jihyo.

"Hey, matching rings... you both are already dating?" Mina asked as she walks on the younger.

Somi smiled proudly and nodded.

"Wow, I'm happy for you. As always, but this feels real. You really worked hard."


"As soon as you said to us that she's your cure, I know you would do your best to get her and now you're with her. Hopefully, you'll stay forever."

"Yeah, I'm happy with her," Somi said as she stared at the ring.

"Sometimes, I think about what Chaeyoung said. That I shouldn't rely too much on my ability. I know it's early but I fell for Y/N and think that even if she's not the cure, I would stay on her."


"Yeah, she's so honest, sweet, and gentle. I'm happy to see that side of her, I feel so lucky suddenly." Somi said.

Mina laughed and nods.

"That's how I am when I tell a thing about Chaeyoung on Sana. And I think that is real."

"Yeah, hopefully."

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