/Chapter Eighty-Eight/

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Third Person


Somi is talking with their other friends as she noticed that Y/N is not around.

"Dahyun, have you seen Y/N?"

"She talked to her parents a while ago," Dahyun said.

Somi looked at Jeongyeon who's also talking to the others. As Somi has seen Y/N's mother alone, she approached it.

"Good afternoon, Y/N's mom." Somi greeted.

"Somi! Oh dear, How are you?"

"I'm fine, we're fine actually," Somi said.

"I heard about you and Y/N. I knew you like her."

Somi laughed and shake her head.

"Your daughter likes me too, but anyway. Have you seen her?" Somi asked.

"She went back, she left the ring. Gosh!"

"Oh, is that so?"

Somi bit her lip anxiously and just tried to calm herself.


Y/N arrived at the condo and saw Nayeon is about to off already.

"Oh, Y/N. Why are you here?"

"Hehe, I left the ring," Y/N said and run to Somi and her room.

"Aigoo, Y/N. Anyway, can you just go with me?"

"Oh, why?"

"Dad can't make it. He's still in their flight. I can't go there alone."

"Ah sure, that's not a problem, we're like family," Y/N said.

"Thank you, what now? Do you find it?"

"Yep, let's go. They are waiting." Y/N said.

Y/N and Nayeon head out of the place. They get in the car that is waiting on them. Suddenly Y/N's phone chimed.

As she checks it, it's Somi who texted her.

"Somi?" Nayeon asked.


"I forgot to tell her that I left the venue. Probably, looking after me." Y/N said as she types on her phone.

"She loves you so much, I could tell," Nayeon said with a smile.

Y/N looked at Nayeon and smiled back.

"Jeongyeon unnie told me that you were the one who knocked off her head the time that everything is a mess," Y/N said.

"Thank you. Maybe Somi didn't come back that day. I mean, I lost my hope that time too. Thoughts that maybe we are not really for each other that's why that happened came in my mind." Y/N added.

"Anything Y/N, just like your mother, I want everything in a good place. Good thing you are good with your sister. We are good in your family, hopefully, the next time, you'll be good with your dad."

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