/Chapter Seventy/

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Your PoV

"So you said that you've dreamed about that right?" Chaeyoung asked.

We are now in the lounge and talking about the Red Strings that I've dreamed of last time.

"I did, but it happened once."

"What exactly happened?"

"I'm not really sure, just a white place. Then a string attached to me, I followed it and arrived at a foggy place... colorful foggy place." I said.

"Maybe that is the same as Chaeyoung too. She's in the white place, and went to a place that has many tangled strings." Tzuyu said.

I just looked at them as I am clueless about what they are talking about, actually, it's not just me but Umji too.

"Probably the fog is the scent that Somi is seeing," Tzuyu said.



"Yeah. Well... believe it or not, if Chaeyoug used to see red strings before, Somi can see the scent of love until now."

"Scent of- what?" Umji asked.

"Basically she can identify which scent is compatible with a person," Dahyun said.

"Umji used to have the scent that is compatible with Somi but eventually changed. It's not constant." Chaeyoung added.

"T-the Strings? Are they-"

"Depends on, well actually just like I always tell them. It's not that the strings or scent. If you believe that you both are for each other then so be it." Chaeyoung said.

"Yeah, but on Somi's part, she needs to rely on her ability... since it can end her if she didn't."

"What!?" Umji and I exclaimed in unison.

"Somi has a rare illness, if she was exposed to a wrong scent for her, it can end her life. That's why she broke up with Umji that time." Dahyun added.

Oh my gosh, that's why I saw her in the hospital that time... plus the bleeding of her nose, then the time she passed out...

"Oh wait... I get now." Tzuyu said making us look at her.

"The colorful fog is the scent of love, probably the second place that Y/N saw is Somi's place," Tzuyu said.

"Mina said something to me. Somi and Mina talked and said that Somi dreamed about the string too. It was connected to Y/N but Somi in the verge of death." Chaeyoung said

"It's because of the scents that surround her," Tzuyu added.

"Maybe that's why she stopped dreaming about it because she's already with Somi," Dahyun said.

"You guys are geniuses," Umji said.

It's actually crazy, I can't believe some people have that.

"Well, what is just a dream analysis. Like what I said, don't trust too much on what we see." Chaeyoung said.

"Aish, the council session is done, let's go back. Somi must be looking for her Y/N." Umji strikes again.

While we are walking back, thoughts are running in my head.

That's why she said that she has been looking for a person for her. That she has been surrounded by many people. But she finds her contentment in me.

I smiled at the thought and felt my heart racing again.


We walk back to where the others are and saw Somi sitting at the counter and having some drinks.

My eyes widened and I'm immediately run to her.

"Geez, Somi!"

"Oh, babe."

I looked at her surprisingly and saw that she's a bit tipsy.

"Why are you drinking?! You have your period." I whispered yell.

"It's fin-"

"No, it will worsen your menstrual cramps. Tch, I told you to wait on me."

"I'm hungry." She said and looked at me with her eyes.

Oh gosh!

"Tsk, Ok let's eat outside."

"I want to sleep already." She said and yawned.

I rolled my eyes in frustration and just sighed.

"Let's borrow Dahyun's room. I need to buy some medicine if your cramps attack again."

"I'll be fine." She said and hugged me.

"Let's go."

"Hey hey hey! No leaving, have some drinks!" Chaeyoung said blocking us.

"No, Somi can't drink because she ha-"

Before I could finish, Somi gets a glass and drinks it.

"It's fine, I can handle it. I brought your medicine." She said.

I sighed in frustration and just keep my eyes on her.

While the others are already drunk since they are drinking when we are out, I looked at Umji and Dahyun and they seem so having fun like they are just teenagers.

"Geez, these two." I hissed.

"Babe." I heard Somi said and made me look at her by holding my jaw.

"Hmm? What's with the sudden endearment? You're really drunk." I said and chuckled.

I'm a little bit in relief since she stopped and just stared at the others who are having their own alcohols.

"What did they tell you?" Somi asked brushing her thumb on my lips.

I removed her hands and just locked them on my hands.

"They said you are wonderful."


"Yeah, you can see scent?" I said unsurely.

"Ohhh." She uttered.

"I'm your cure?"

"Yeah. Your scent is really something." She whispered as she buried her head on my neck making me shiver.

I can feel her breathing on the skin of my neck that sends an electric feeling.

We sat at the poolside and just watch the others enjoying the time that we are having right now.

I smile son m thought as I realized something.

So this is the life outside the company.

Somi leaned on my shoulder as I'm holding her hand.



"You'll be my forever cure."

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