/Chapter Fifty-One/

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Your PoV

I woke up before my alarm rings with an unusual feeling then I get up on my bed.

Sitting on the left side and staring at the wall blankly.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked myself confusedly.

It's like a feeling of something happened but I'm not sure about it.

Did I make myself tired yesterday?

I sighed and walk into the bathroom to wash my face. I watched myself in the reflection.

"What's going on?" I asked cluelessly.

I washed my hands and stopped in the middle of what am I doing as I stared at my fingers.

"Why do I feel I lose something?"


I snapped back as I heard someone rings the doorbell. I went out of the room and passed the living room to open the door.

"Somi what ar-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when Somi brought herself to me and hugged me.

"What's wrong?" I uttered.

Instead of answering, she looked up to me with her eyes on me.

I can see full worries in her eyes which made me more curious to know what brought her here.

I mean it's not important to know since she always goes here every morning but now... I don't even know why I even ask her.


"Always wear this." She said and she broke in the hug and gets my hand. She wears a small ring that fits my pinky finger.

"Somi, if this is a play-"

"I already own that. You can't let anyone have that. Arraseo?" She asked softly.

I just frowned as I didn't get what she's trying to say.

I looked at my hand and stared at the ring.

Now it feels fulfilled...

I turned around and walk to my kitchen to prepare something we could eat.

"Did you eat already?" I asked.

"Hmm... let's eat outside."

"Why?" I asked and look at her.

"You can't even cook. Even if I want to, you don't have groceries in your fridge." She said.

I sighed and looked at the fridge and saw nothing just a water jug and some chocolates.

"I'll just get in my uniform," I said and walk to my room.

As I locked the door, I leaned against the door and look at my hand again.

"Weird..." I uttered.

I released a big sigh and get in my uniform. I get my bag and went out of the room. As I walk into the living room, I saw Somi reading the notes that I gave.

I looked at my watch and we still have an hour before the class starts.

"Somi, let's go," I said and walk out first.

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