/Chapter Fifty-Nine/

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Third Person

"Shall we go out to hang out just for his day? My treat." Jeongyeon said to her younger sister.

"Are you insulting me?" Y/N asked as she clenched her fist.

"It's not yet done, yet you are claiming the victory. I'm telling you, I will get this company no matter what." Y/N said.

Jeongyeon laughs as she stood up properly.

"You're still up with your pride. Lower it down, don't hurt yourself, sis." Jeongyeon said.

"Come on, just think that it's a talk between strangers," Jeongyeon said and walks away.

Y/N sighed harshly and followed her sister. They arrived at the coffee shop.

"How are you?" Jeongyeon asked as they arrived at the shop and took their order.

"I'm fine," Y/N replied even she's shocked as Jeongyeon asked her.

"How about mom?"

"You should have known that I was busy on Chungha's company. As if you don't see mom in the company." Y/N said.

"Mom is not going in the company."

Y/N looks at Jeongyeon confusedly and frowns.


"Dad said she's in the house."

Y/N just nods and looks at her fidgeting fingers.

"Dad said that the gap is far. And you probably know who's leading." Jeongyeon said.

"I can still get it. Don't be so relax." Y/N said.

"Can you stop on your pride, be so sport Y/N," Jeongyeon said.

"Sports? You want me to accept the loss when I literally deserve that company? I invest my time on that company... and you know that." Y/N suppresses.

"You should have thanked me, I'm doing this not just for me but for you too. I'm petting you to feel the life that you didn't have."

"Tch, stop acting as you care for me. You literally leave me the time that I begged for you not to leave." Y/N scoffs as a tear came out of her eye.

"So you're mad at me? Really Y/N? You literally have a great life!"

Y/N chuckled bitterly as she tries not to cry in front of her sister. She wants to prove that she's not the weak younger sister who will cry on just something like this.

"Thank you? You want me to thank you and the life that I had? Are you hearing yourself? I don't even know what life you're talking about. I grew up living and getting used to this kind of setup. Following dad's order. Continue proving myself but at the end, it will all fall to you."

"I'm sorry. I didn't want that to happen."

Y/N was startled as she heard her sister's apology. She clenched her fist as she looks away.

"You have more life outside the company, I want you to experience it. I'm not trying to get what you worked out for the past years. I'm just getting back on the responsibility that I left on you. And this is for Nayeon too... I want us to be fine with dad and mom's."

"But if you still think that I'm opposing you, it's fine. I'll do my best to get the responsibilities. Don't be hard on yourself, you're still a human." Jeongyeon said and stand up.

"Let's see each other after this month. For now, don't worry about the company." Jeongyeon said and leave.

Y/N was left staring into nothing as she processes what her sister said.

"You have more life outside the company."

"Don't be so hard on yourself."

"I hate this life," Y/N uttered as she broke into her tears.

Y/N stood up and left the place. She drives herself to her mom's house as she expects she could talk to her.

"Where's mom?"


Y/N snaps as she heard her mom coming out of the kitchen.

"Baby! How are you?"

"Mom," Y/N uttered as she kissed her mom.

"I'm fine, uh... how are you?"

They walk into the living room as they sit next to each other.

"Your father said that you are working on Kim's Company? Then you're tutoring someone. You are even going to school, are you ok?"

"Yeah... Unnie said you're not going to the company anymore?"

"You talked to your sister?"

Y/N just nods and drinks a glass of water.

"Your dad doesn't want me to go to the company."

"He probably doesn't want you to see unnie," Y/N mumbled.

"So you're tutoring someone? Are you with friends on that person?" Her mom asked trying to avoid the past topic.

"It's Somi... but she dropped the course, she'll be back on modeling."

"Really? Are you with friends with her already?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Why did she drops it? You won't tutor her anymore? You should have stopped her."

Y/N frowned as she squints.

"Why would I? She likes modeling and I have nothing to do with that."

"You... you didn't get mad at her?"


"That's new, you are the kind of person who doesn't want to waste time."


"What did your sister and you talked about anyway?" Her mom asked.

"She told me that she will have the company," Y/N said.

Her mom remains silent as she doesn't know what to say too. She knows that Y/N worked hard but she also wants Jeongyeon to went back on them.

"Do you think... Do you think I should just give it to her?" Y/N asked making her mom in shock.


"She said I have more life that awaits on me outside the company... we are not close but I know she knows what she's saying," Y/N said looking down.

Her mom holds her hand and smiled.

"Give yourself a break, I want us to be back in our old life."

"Dad's will get disappointed in me..."

"I'll talk to him, but you still have a week right? Let's wait on the results."

Y/N nods as she hugged her mom. While with her mom, her thoughts are continuously running.

"Don't be so hard on yourself."

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