/Chapter Twenty-Eight/

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Somi's PoV

We continued to talk and as Samantha came back they asked me to eat with them so I just agreed since I didn't eat yet.

"But really, Y/N and you will be going to be great. You both have a good sense of humor!" Mrs. Yoo said as she laughed.

Really? Not on my watch Mrs, Yoo.

"That's unbelievable ma'am." Samantha butted in.

"Haha, well yeah... She used to when she's a kid. She got full jams while her sister is the complete opposite." Mrs. Yoo said that changes the mood of the room.

"I miss those days." She added.

"Uhm, Mrs. Yoo thank you for the time. I really had fun talking to you, also thanks for the food. It's getting late so I need to go home." I said and stood up.

"You're welcome Somi, hope to see you again. Thank you too." She said.

I bowed and looked at Samantha and bid goodbye to her.

As I left the room, I felt relief. The atmosphere inside is really sophisticating. I breathe deeply and composed myself.

"I wonder what to do tomorrow," I mumbled as I went out of the hospital.

I went in my car and drive back to my apartment. As I check my phone, It's already 6:00 pm.

Gosh, I stayed at the hospital for a long. But it was worth it anyway.

"Y/N's sense of humor... I can't imagine it." I mumbled and started to laugh as I tried to imagine scenarios but none of it make sense.

Well, at least the thought made me laugh, HAHAHAHA!

Your PoV

I'm here at my parent's house as the dinner meeting will behold here. I fix myself first then went out of my car. As I went in the maids greeted me so I greeted back.

"Ms. Yoo, your father is in the dining room already, waiting for you."

"Yeah, thanks," I said and walk into the dining room.

"Good evening dad." I greeted and bowed.

"Have a seat, Ms. Kim will arrive later on."

I nodded and sat on a vacant chair. While waiting the atmosphere in the room is just plain. I don't want to talk unless he'll ask me.

"How's your mom?"

There you go

"She's good. I asked Samantha to look after her."


"Our maid's daughter. She's good..." I just said.

He just nodded and went back on his drink.

"Mr. Yoo, Mrs. Kim is already here."

"Let's go Y/N. We need to welcome her." Dad said and stood up as he fixes his suit.

We both walk out of the house and a white car greeted us. Inside, the girl we're waiting for. Kim Chungha, the CEO of her own company, KC company.

"Good evening Ms. Kim! You look lovely tonight!" Dad greeted.

Oh yeah, he's too much.

"Good evening too, Mr. Yoo."

"Good evening Ms. Kim, glad to see you again," I said and smiled.

"There you are, glad to see you too.

"Mind going in? We prepared dinner for you." I asked which she answered with a nod and offered her hands to me.

At first, I was confused but then realized that she wanted me to escort her.

Oh yeah of course.

"Your house is pretty nice Mr. Yoo, the interior designs are all great." Ms. Kim said as we go inside.

"Thank you, this way." He said.

As we got into the dining room, she gets her seat and now we are having the meeting.

"So what is the meeting all about?" I asked without beating around the bush.

"Oh, I see you haven't informed her yet." Ms. Kim said looking at dad.

"Yeah, she kinda had a tough schedule. Well Y/N, Ms. Kim offered a great opportunity. She wants you to work temporarily over her. So she could observe you. But the partnership will be ongoing."

"Oh... Well Ok, That's not a problem to me."

"As her secretary."


"I guess it's a yes Y/N? What you think?"

As if I got any choices?

"Yeah, sure," I said and nodded.

"So when I am going to start?" I asked

"Probably next week. But If you want you can go to my company for you to know what are the things to do there." She said

I just nodded and look at dad. He's looking at me like he's saying that I should agree.

Look who's the one who doesn't want this, you look so eager, dad. More than the first when we are having the deal with the Son.

"Sure, I'm not that busy. I can look after the company of my dad too." I said and shrugged.

"That's great, perks of being single?"

Great, now my personal life is being dragged here?

"I don't think about that for now," I said

"Mind if we date?" She asked without hesitation that made me startled.

I looked at dad and he's also surprised.

I can't respond but If I will, I'm sure that it will be a no, I mean dad once disown his daughter for something like this. There's no way it to happen to me!

"U-uhm I j-"

"HAHAHA! Just kidding, you're so serious, Ms. Yoo." She said and chuckles shyly.

I just had a mini heart attack, what do you mean by joke!?

"HAHAHA! I don't mind too if you'll ask my daughter." I heard from dad that made me look at her confusedly.

What the hell-

"A friendly date, HAHAHA!" Dad added.

Seriously, these two will be the cause of my death!

"Y/N-ssi are you ok?" Ms. Kim asked. I just nodded as an answer.

Maybe she noticed that I'm sweating and shaking, I mean who's not!

"Anyway, so who'll be the substitute of Ms. Yoo as long as she's not in your company, Mr. Yoo?"

"No worries, I can handle it," I said sure.

"Oh, really?"

"If my daughter says yes, then go," Dad said and shrugged.

"Cool, I guess all are all settled."

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