/Chapter Thirty-Three/

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Somi's PoV

I was looking for Chungha as we arrived at our hotel room. I keep on calling her but she's not picking the calls. When I went out of my room, I saw Dahyun and Umji. I'm about to ignore them since Dahyun is with Umji and I don't feel like meeting her for now.

"Hey Somi, wait to go with us?" Umji asked that made me startled.

"I-is that fine?"

"Yeah." She answered and smiled.

"Where's Y/N?" I asked as I noticed that she's not with them.

"With Chungha, wait since you three arrived together, I'm just wondering, are they close?" Dahyun asked.

Now that she asked, I was wondering about it too. Y/N seems nice with Chungha... that's quite unfair, maybe because she's Y/N's boss.


"Guys!" We heard causing us to look back.

We saw Sana, Nayeon, and Mina unnie walking towards us.

"Glad to see you here, let's make this fun!"

"Where's Chungha?" Mina unnie asked.

"Maybe they are already in the place."

"They?" Sana unnie asked.

"With Y/N."


After that, we all walk to the place that we planned to meet up. We saw Y/N and the others greeted her nicely.

"So what now? Shall start the game?" Chungha asked excitingly.

Never saw her before like that... strange

"Wait! Before that, Is it fine if I'll add someone?" Umji asked that made us all look at her.

"Sure? The more the merrier..." Sana said.

"Cool, She'll arrive later."

We continue the discussion about the game as we decided to split up. The game is entering the maze. All of us agreed and Y/N doesn't have a choice since Chungha dragged her up.

I feel bad for her since she had a traumatic experience there but since she agreed to, and the game is a group game then maybe no need to worry.

Why am I even worrying, she hates me anyway.

I just sighed between my thoughts and shook my head.

"Ok, since someone will arrive later then we'll split into three... three per group." Mina unnie stated.

The groups are
Mina, Nayeon, and Sana
Dahyun, Umji and her friend
Then Me, Chungha and Y/N.

It was decided that Y/N should be on Umji's team but Chungha wants to be with Y/N.

Why is she acting up like that?

"Let's go at the entrance," Umji suggested.

We all agreed and go to the entrance of the maze. Not so long we arrived in from of the entrance.

"Shall we go?" Dahyun asked.

"Wait I'm still-"


We all looked at the person who called Umji and saw a girl approaching.

"Guys, this is Sinbi, She'll be joining us," Umji said.

"Cool, now let's go." Nayeon unnie said and inform us to go to the entrances of the maze.

"Somi, we'll count on you," Chungha said while clinging to Y/N.

I looked at Y/N and seems she doesn't even care.

If I were her maybe I feel so annoyed with Chungha.

We are best friends but Chungha's clinginess is something weird."


We walked in the maze and I am leading it.

"Somi, do you think the girl that Umji brought is her girlfriend?" Chungha asked.

I just continued to walk and shrugged.

"I don't know, it's good if it is," I said

She scoffed and laugh after that. I stopped and look at her to see what's wrong.


"It's good? Do you think she's still into you?" Chungha asked that made me frown.

"No, I'm not saying that."

"Somi, you should have just love Umji the way she loves you. Too bad she fell out of love with you already. That's a good thing." She said.

Now I know that she's meaning on something. I just looked at her since I still don't know why she's saying something like that knowing Y/N is with us also and Y/N is Umji's best friend.

"What do you think Y/N, do you think it's Umji's girlfriend?" Chungha asked.

I looked at Y/N was I expecting her to answer but she just shoved Chungha's hand.

"Whether Sinbi is her girlfriend or not, we don't need to interfere with her personal life." She said and started to walk ahead.

I looked at Chungha and she just raised a brow at me which made me more confused.

"Let's go, lead the way." She said and followed Y/N.

What's wrong with you Chungha?

Your PoV
As I walk ahead, I noticed that Chungha and Somi are not following me anymore.

Aigoo, Am I lost again!?

I hit myself mentally as I realize what I did a while ago.

"Aigoo Y/N, why do you need to act like that? Should I go back? Ah no, it's embarrassing. Aishh! If they just don't talk about Umji then maybe I didn't walk ahead.


I looked at my watch and started to walk whenever my feet bring me. Then I stopped as I saw Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie.

"She's here too?" I whispered.

"Jeonyeon, glad you able to go here." I heard Nayeon said.

Since she's not facing me, I cannot really see what's happening. But something caught my eyes. She's hiding something on her back.

"Mina said you need something? I rushed immediately as I heard that. What is it?" I heard Jeongyeon unnie said.

"Jeongyeon, I just want to say that I really love you. So much, even if your family and you are not yet on good terms, It's fine."

I looked at her hand again to confirmed what she's hiding from behind and saw a box. Small box.

Is she planning to propose?

"Jeongyeon wi-"


I hid as I heard a ringtone, I get my phone to check it and sighed as I realized it's not mine.

"Wait Nayeon, I need to answer this call." I heard Jeongyeon unnie said.

I peeked again and saw Jeongyeon unnie went out of the maze. I looked at Nayeon and she's just standing there.

"Ahh, that's a shame," I mumbled.

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