/Chapter Ninety/

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Third Person (Earlier)

"W-we're not done!" The guy said as he stood up again.

The guy grabbed Y/N's foot and pulled her closer. As he gets the chance to be near Y/N, he picks the pocket knife and unhesitatingly stabs it on Y/N's abdomen.

Y/N winced in pain that she can't even scream. The guy deepened the stab making Y/N cry in pain.

"F-fuck!" Y/N kicked her foot as she can and kick the guy's face.

As she has gotten back, she stood up and removes the knife from her.

She grunts but continued. After she removed the knife, without thinking, she stabbed it on the guy and beat his head hard making him lose his consciousness.

"S-shit." She cussed as she barely breathes due to the pain she's receiving on her abdomen. She gets the guy's suit and wears it to her to hide the bleeding.

She wipes the cold sweats forming in her neck and head when Nayeon went in.


Y/N snapped and tightened her grips on the suit to hide the stab.

"You're fine?"

"Where did you get that?" Nayeon asked.

"Let's go, we have a wedding to attend." She said and gets the wedding ring that is on the ground also and put it in the tux's pocket.

While they are in the car, Y/N explained to Nayeon what she found out. Controlling her breathing as she's enduring the pain on her stab. Her vision started to get hazy and uncleared. She can barely feel her own body.

I should arrive there alive the only thought that is running on Y/N's head.


Somi's PoV

"This is my fault. I should have noticed that when we are heading here!" Nayeon unnie said.

I didn't mind anymore what they are saying and just keep on holding on to Y/N while waiting on the ambulance.

"Why do you need to come here!? You're so stupid!" All I can say because I feel so guilty that I let her go out of the venue.

After a minute the ambulance came. Me and Y/N's mom get in the ambulance too while Jeongyeon unnie went to Nayeon unnie to continue with the interrogations.

And the others followed Y/N with their cars.

"Please stay awake, please, please." I almost begged as I hold her hand tightly.

"M-mom, will dad can f-forgive me?" Y/N asked.

"Shh, don't mind him now. Just stay awake, sweetheart." Her mom said who's also crying.

"Uljima, I-I'm not dying." She said and chuckled weakly.

"She's losing much of blood, we need to treat it as she gets in the hospital." The nurse said as she's stopping Y/N from bleeding.

"Shut up, will you? We'll talk as you get better." I said to Y/N.

My hands are covered with her own blood now but I don't care. I'm afraid to let go of her hand.

"A-arraseo." She said and partially closing her eyes.

After a while, we arrived at the hospital. They run Y/N into the operating room as we wait for her outside. The others came after also.

"I knew it, I saw it in my dream!" I exclaimed as I cried.

I don't know what will I do if I lose Y/N. She's the only one I want to be with. I can't lose her, not today.

"Somi calms down, she'll be better as she promised." Her mom says.

I can't even sit and continued walking back and forth.

You promised you'll be safe!

After a while, a doctor came out of the operating room and we all bolted closer to him.

"Who is the relative of the patient?"

"We are." Y/N's mom and I said in unison.

"The patient needs to have a blood transfusion immediately. She lost too much blood and continuously losing because of the stab on her internal organ."


We looked back and saw Jeongyeon and Nayeon.

"We have the same type of blood, I can be a blood donor." Jeongyeon unnie presented.

The doctor nod as he signals Jeongyeon unnie to come to the other room and do the test.

"Oh gosh, I can't lose another friend!" Dahyun cried.

I covered my ears as I don't want to hear them because it makes me overthink. Then I felt someone hugged me. I saw it's Nayeon unnie.

"She'll be fine, she promised."

Third Person

It's already been hours, Jeongyeon is done with the blood donating. Nayeon went to her room as she needs to stay there and have some rest.

"Are you ok?" Nayeon asked.

"I'll be ok if Y/N is fine. I can't believe dad can do this."

"Y/N is the one who found out. When the kidnappers asked who is Nayeon, she insisted on herself." Nayeon explains.

"We need to thank her."

Meanwhile, out of the operating room, Y/N's mother is still waiting same as Somi. The others go back to the condo to change and get some clothes for Somi too.

"Don't worry, sweetie, Y/N can survive this." Y/N's mom said as she held Somi's shaking hands.

"My daughter is tough, she can survive this." She repeated.

Nurses went out dashing as if something is happening inside. Somi and Y/N's mother snapped as scares grow inside them.

"Vital signs are dropping, move! Quick!"

"Oh my god, please save her." Y/N's mom said.

Somi tried to console Y/N's mother even if she's also worried about her girlfriend's situation.

After a long while, a doctor came out of the room.

"Doc, how is i-it?"

"The blood transfusions are successful. We already treated the internal bleeding. We thought she can't when her vitals drop but eventually we able to save her."

It's a huge relief for both of Y/N's love ones after they heard the good news. Jeongyeon and Nayeon went out also and asked about the situation.

"She'll be transferring to another room, for now, you can stop worrying." The doctor said and leaves.

The door of the operating room went open for they are transferring Y/N to another room.

The four also come over, Somi looked at Y/N with a smiled as she holds her hand.

"You did great, babe."

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