/Chapter Eight/

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Your PoV

"Y/N-ah! Do you think it's my fault?!" Umji asked who's now fully drunk.

"No one's fault, stop that coz you're drunk already," I said as I shove away the bottle of soju from her.

"Y/N, I can't." She said and cried again.

"I'm not forcing you, but at least have something in yourself. If she's not interested anymore then stop." I said.

She just stopped and then started to talk non-sense things.

"Aigoo! Umji, you're not supposed to act like that! It's just love." I said but I bet she didn't hear it.

I picked all the bottles on the floor as I let her lay on the floor, she's still drunk as she talks some random things.

After I clean her place, I support her to stand up and lead her to her room.

"Don't cry tomorrow if your head hurts so bad, arraseo?!"

She just hummed and hug her pillow as she got into her bed. I get a basin and water to clean her then after that, I also look for her clothes.

"Now, change!" I yelled at her as I threw clothes on her.

I woke up as I felt my phone vibrating. As I look at it I saw the time and it's already 6:00 in the morning. I looked at the messages as I saw one name and it turns out that it's from my dad.

'You have a meeting with Ms. Son later, she asked me to meet you again. 12:00 pm be early.'

I closed my phone as I read the message. I looked around and found myself laying on Umji's couch in her room while she's still sleeping on her bed.

I stood up as I decided to order food since I bet she can't cook right now.

Maybe some soup will do...

After I ordered food, I walk to her kitchen to look for some drink that can ease the hangover, luckily I saw some. I prepared it and wake Umji afterward.

"Yah! Wake up! I already ordered food!" I said as I shake her.

She groaned as she moved and as she opened her eyes the first thing she whined about is her head.


"Told yah don't drink too much." I hissed.

"Wash your face and I'll wait for you downstairs. I need to go after this because I need to prepare for my meeting." I said then walked out.

After that, I check my phone again and saw no messages.


I waited in the living room and after a few minutes, I heard a doorbell. I opened it and saw the delivery man with the food that I ordered.

"Thank you," I said as I gave the payment.

Just in time after I prepared it, Umji walked down.

"Wait I'll just get some drinks," I said and walk to the kitchen to get the drinks that I prepared for her and me.

As I went back I saw Umji watching something on TV.

I looked at the TV and saw her EX-girlfriend.

"Is she an idol?" I asked

"Nah, a model," Umji said who's eyes are fixed on the TV.

I put down the drink in front of her and changed the channel that made her look at me.

"Let's just eat. Do you have anything to do later? I have something to do so I can't go with you. I'm sorry." I said

"I want to see her." She said melancholically.

"She's probably busy." I assumed that made her sighed.


"Why don't you just go with me?"

"Isn't the meeting you're coming is a formal meeting?"

"Dad sent me the place. It's Yangpyeong-gun. As far as I know, the other branch of the company is there. I think it's a good time to roam around. What you think?" I asked

"Is it fine?"

"Of course, I can't go there alone. So come with me." I said.


"All set?" I asked as I put my bags in the trunk.

Dad said that it will be a tough week. I guess I need to convince Ms. Son to make her agree.

"Ne, let's go," Umji said who just finished putting her bag in the back seat.

"Did you inform uncle that you're going with me?" I asked

"Ne, actually dad is fine about it. He said that instead of staying at my apartment I should roam around too. Didn't he know that I've been doing that since I'm in Japan?" She said.

"Really? I never thought you can do that."

"I did, that's why I met Somi." She said


"Anyway, let's go," I said before we could stop on that topic again.

I hop inside the car and she sat beside me.


After a few hours, we arrived at the place just in time.

"Where we should stop?" Umji asked as we both went out of the car.

"Ms. Yoo!"

I looked back as I heard someone called me. Actually Umji and I. I saw Ms. Son with her uhm girlfriend if I'm not mistaken.


My brows raised as I heard Ms. Son and her girlfriend called Umji in unison.

"Chaeyoung, Mina unnie!"

"You know her?" Me and Ms. Son along with her girlfriend asked in unison.

"She's my best friend," I said.

"Oh... I see, this is Mina. My wife." Ms. son said

Oh right. I forgot they are the one who's in the TV show.

"Anyway, I brought her here to accompany. Is it fine?" I asked

"Well yeah... but I think I am the one who should ask her." Ms. Son said and looked at umji.

"I heard about what happened... I feel bad about it." Ms. Son said to Umji.

"It's ok, we talked about that well." Umji just replied.

"Anyway, I want you to know that it's a vacation of our squad that's why we are here. Your father keeps on asking me about the deal and I can't ignore it. So, I decided to invite you here and talk about it.Also have a chance to know your company more." Ms. Son said.

Aigoo, Dad is really a shameless man.

"Sorry for that Ms. Son. I really appreciated that you invited me here despite of this as your quality time with your friends," I said and bowed.

"It's ok, come with us. I think you're looking for a place to stay. I have a friend who has a hotel here. We're staying there. If it's just fine, you can stay there too but of course, it's in your bag." She said and laugh.

"No problem. We're fine with that." I said.

She nodded and lead us to the place. Since it's not so far, we arrived at the place in just a few minutes.

"Let's talk later, have some rest. I'll set a meeting at 3:00 pm sharp." Ms. son said and left with her wife.

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