/Chapter Ninety-Four/

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Third Person (One Year After)

It's been a year that the couple is parted from each other. Just like they promised, they never end a day without them talking about how nice or not their day is.

Somi is off to her house as she has a schedule for modeling.

"Somi is here!" Her manager called.

"Sorry, am I late?"

"No, actually we are about to start. Get in the tent and ready."

Meanwhile, Y/N just got off at airport after a long flight. She didn't inform Somi that she'll be coming as she wants to surprise her lover.

She gets a cab to drive her to the condo of Somi.

"This is it," Y/N mumbled with a smile.

After a while, she arrived at the penthouse.

"I guess she's still in her work," Y/N mumbled as she succeeded in getting in, by entering the passcode.

Y/N roamed her eyes and as she breathes longingly.

"Wow, guess she didn't come here often," Y/N mumbled and put her luggage in the living room.

Her energy is up that she doesn't want to take a rest. She stood up and walk into the mirror to see herself. She tied her hair and checks herself.

"Must meet the parents first," Y/N said and leave the place. She gets a cab that will head her to Somi's parent's company.

Your PoV

I arrived at the company after minutes. I walked in and look around first.

"Excuse me, Good morning. Uhm I am Y/N, Yoo Y/N. I just wonder if Mrs. and Mr. Jeon are up for a talk?"

"Do you have scheduled with them, ma'am?"

"Oh, I-I don't have but-"


I snapped as I heard someone called me. When I looked back, I saw Jackson.

Jackson is Somi's cousin and Somi happened to introduced him to me. I also found out that Jackson and his group happen to help Chaeyoung before.

"You are here! Wait are you really here?" He said as he pokes my cheeks.

"Yah! Is it your first time to meet me?" I hissed.

"Yes, we met through a video call, crazy." He said.

Oh right, I just knew him for 5 months and still counting.

"Wow, you're cuter in person. No wonder why my cousin fell in love with you."

I blushed but just rolled my eyes since I'm not used.

"Why are you here? When did you arrive? Does Somi know that you are here? Are you alone?"

Right, he is Somi's cousin. They ask continuously as if I am on a fast talk.

"Chill, I just got arrived this morning. And yes, I am alone. I didn't tell Somi that I'm coming." I answered.

"You're crazy! Don't you feel tired after a long flight?!"

"Not really, I need to talk to Somi's parents," I said.

He squints as he smiled suspiciously.

"Is this?"

"Yeah, I'm here for that."

Somi's PoV

"Ok, great job Somi! You did great. Let's have a break first."

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