/Chapter Sixty-Seven/

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Your PoV

"Wait on me, I'll just buy our food," I said and closed the door leaving Somi inside.

I walk into the McDonald's and ordered some foods that we could eat. After few minutes of waiting, I walk back into the car and saw Somi on her phone.

"You want this?" I asked as I get in and gave her an Ice cream and fries.

She looks at it with stars in her eyes making me giggle.


"Gosh Y/N! This is what I really wanted!"

"I just ordered what I usually eat every time I have it too. I also bought fried chicken and nuggets." I said

We got home and as I entered, I don't see anything new. Maybe she just sat in the living room.

"Let's eat first," I said and put down the plastic bag on the table.

I opened the TV to watch some movie while we are sharing the food.

"Is it really fine if you'll mentor Doyeon? I can talk to Tris and say that you're busy." I said.

"It's ok, I'm fine with it." She said and sat beside me crossing her legs.

"Do you have pads? I have some in my bathroom. Feel free to use it." I said.

"Yeah, I saw it."

I just nod and focus on the TV when she suddenly clings to me and leaned her head on my shoulder.



"You smell so good."

I chuckled and just tapped her head.


"I found this." She said making me look at her.

As I looked at her, she's holding a ring.

"Oh, that's the ring that you gave first," I said

"Where did you find that?"

"On your cabinet," she said.


I looked at my finger and removed the ring that I am wearing and gets the ring that Somi is holding.

"I'll wear the ring you gave, and you'll wear this. Since I am the one who bought this." I said and wears the ring that I bought.

"It fits..." I surprisingly said.

I looked at Somi who's in silence and looking down.

I bent down to see her and saw she's crying.

Damn this mood-swings

Suddenly she jumped to me and hugged me making her on top of me as I am lying on the couch.

"Stop crying."

"I'm just happy, too happy." She said.

"Why you're so sweet Y/N? Sweet Y/N is really my favorite." She said.

"So if I'm not sweet you wouldn't like me?" I asked.

She went off of my top and sat properly again.

"I will always like you even if you're not sweet." She said and clings to me again.

I smiled and look back at the TV again.

After we ate, I throw the plastics and get my bag.

"I need to review some past lessons again, do you want to continue watching?" I asked.

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