/Chapter Forty-Four/

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Somi's PoV

"That's the connection between the two of you? Your birthdays that next to each other?" Tzuyu asked.

"Not wanting to burst the bubble but maybe Y/N bought the cake for her," Tzuyu added.

I just hissed and shook my head.

"She doesn't celebrate her birthdays," I said as I remember what she said.

But if she did that... basically we celebrate our birthday together? Wow! That's sweet~

"Do birthdays can be the basis of two person meant for someone?" Sana unnie asked.

"I know, that's so random." Jihyo unnie said.

While in the middle of our conversation, someone knocked on the door and as Jihyo unnie checks it, Nayeon unnie showed up.

"Hey, guys."

"Hi, unnie."

She walked in and put down something she's brought.

"I heard that we're celebrating Somi's birthday. Better late than never so I brought some food." Nayeon unnie said.

We all looked at her as she's seems to have a problem.

"Unnie, Gwaenchana?" Tzuyu asked.

"Yeah. The proposal didn't go nice yesterday. It's alright, Jeongyeon got good news too."

"Really, what is it?" Jihyo unnie asked as if we didn't know.

"Her father talked to her, If she goes back to the company and wins it, they can finally accept us." Nayeon unnie said and smiled.

"Thank you Chaeyoung for letting Jeongyeon go with her father's company. She learned a lot from you." Nayeon unnie added.

Chaeyoung just smiled and nodded.

"That's nothing."

As we stayed here, We just continued to talk and bond. It's already lunch since we decided to go back to our business. Dahyun went back to her café and the others did the same with their own.

Here I am, thinking about what to do.

"Yesterday was my birthday, and now Y/N's... is that can consider as connections?"

Your PoV

We are now in dad's office as Jeongyeon unnie sits across from me.

"I already told to you, and I'm going to clarify it again. Y/N, since your school is coming. You don't need to come in here. Jeongyeon will take the place in the meantime. If she managed the company and your position, then it's good for her." Dad said.

"Then how can I prove that I deserve to be in this company? Dad, I worked har-"

"You'll be staying with Ms. Kim, you are her secretary, right? I'll be getting reports from Ms. Kim if you're doing good there. Since the position that you both taking is not far from each other, then I can just tell it. You'll be having a month to prove yourselves." Dad said.

"Jeongyeon, you can start tomorrow," Dad said.

Jeongyeon unnie just nod and bids her goodbye.

I was left in the office with dad as a heavy atmosphere is filling the room.

"Why are you being so unfair, dad? I worked hard for this and then... Just because Jeongyeon unnie wants to go back?" I asked.

"If you want to get the company, then do what I want."

My jaw clenched as I heard what he said. Before I could do anything, I left the office and drives back to mom's house.

It took minutes as I arrived there, While walking inside, I already have a clue what will happen.

Will mom ask me to let Jeongyeon unnie have the company?

Sort of that...


I smiled as I saw mom and approached me.

"Happy birthday honey, I prepared something for you."

I just nod and followed her to the kitchen. Mom doesn't really prepare for my birthday and I don't feel bitter about that. When I was a kid, I use to experience it but then one day, I just woke up with the feeling of not being excited about everything.

I mean why would I? If my dad already sets what I supposed to be, there's no excitement with it anymore.

"Happy birthday honey." Mom said as she holds the cake that is already have lighted candles.

"Thank you, mom." I just said and blew it.

"What's your wish?"

"I don't do wishes," I said and sat on the counter.

I get a slice of the cake and just eat it. From behind, I felt mom hugged me which made me stop.

"You did well honey, you did well."

Suddenly, I felt something is forming in my eyes. I tried to hold it by eating the cake that is on my plate.

"Let just eat mom. I won't stay long, I need to go somewhere." I said.

I heard her hummed and sat across from me.

"It's been 20 years since the miracle happened, I'm so happy you grew so well." She said.

"Mom stops it, I'm already old. Stop babying me." I excused as I felt my eyes are getting teary again.

"I wonder where is the baby that saved you before."

"She didn't save me, just so happened that that baby needs to be feed so she cried, and then boom!"

I sighed as I remembered what my mom always told me when I was a kid.

It was the day when I came out on my mom's womb. I need to get incubated and then something happened that almost the cause of my death when a baby in the same room as mine cried. It cries so loud that it caught the attention of the nurses. As the nurses noticed it, the baby stopped. That time, they saw me on verge of death.

That was what my mom said. She's hoping that she could see that baby thank you for saving my life.



"Jeongyeon unnie will be back in the company," I said.

She looked at me surprisingly, maybe she didn't know it yet.


"Yeah, dad wants us to fight for the company. Jeongyeon unnie wants to be the next CEO, so she'll be in my position for a month while I'll be at Ms. Kim's. Dad will monitor us, he'll pick who deserves to be in his position." I explained.

I looked at her as I expect her to plead to give the position to Jeongyeon unnie. Because on that way, I know that is the only way dad can accept unnie again.

"Whoever got the position, I want you both to be back as what you are used to before."

"Please Y/N, that's the only wish I could ever ask for."

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