/Chapter Thirty-One/

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Nayeon's PoV

As Y/N left, I just sighed and drink the coffee that I ordered.

"Unnie, where is Y/N?" Dahyun asked.

"She left."


"Anyway, are you going tomorrow?" I asked as I put down my coffee.


"At the hotel? Just a little fun for everything. These days Mina, Sana, and I have nothing to do but to stay at the Hotel. Chae, Tzuyu, and Jeongyeon are busy as bees."

"Mina unnie too? I thought she's managing her company?"

"Well, her father gave her a break. But it's nonsense since Chae is busy." I said.

"That's not good to hear."

"I know, everything is being no fun."

"Anyway, have you talk to Jeongyeon unnie already?"


"Haha! Unnie, I'm not rushing the both of you tho, I know she's busy too, as you said. But don't you think about the time of having a rest and setting aside all those stuff?" Dahyun said.

I sighed and smiled weakly.

"I know, I need to understanding her tho..." I mumbled.

"I'll ask Eunwoo if I can take a break for tomorrow. Is it fine if I being Y/N?" She asked.

"Y/N? You guys are close huh?"

"Not really, well since it's only us. I think there's no problem with that? I'll bring Umji and Y/N." Dahyun said.

"Sure, that would be fun," I said and finished my coffee.

"I'll call Somi and Chungha too," I added.

"Nice! I'm so excited!"


It's already lunchtime when I decided to go back to our apartment. I opened the door and no one welcomed me.

"Jeongyeon," I mumbled.

I opened the lights and walk-in. I just walk into our room and slammed myself.

She's not like this before. before, she can go out with me. We spend time together. But ever since Y/N came... I'm not blaming her tho.

"Break up, tsk... You surely know-nothing kid." I mumbled and closed my eyes.

Your PoV


I'm nowhere in his room as he called me for a talk.

"Have you talk to Chungha already?"

"Chungha? Since when you decided to call her like that." I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"She asks to, She's like a daughter for me."

Wow, now he has a new 'daughter' after he disowned the first one.

"I haven't seen her yet. Maybe tomorrow." I said.

"Good, Keep accompanying her."

"Hmm... So you already moved on about the partnership with the Son?"

He smiled and walk closer to me. He held my shoulders and look at me.

"Well to say, KC company is not that bad. You did great my daughter." He said.

I suddenly felt something in my heart. I just can't say it but I like the feeling.

Somehow I made him proud.

"I'll go now, I need to check on mom," I said and bowed at him.

After I left his room, I went upstairs where my mom's room. I'm not yet in the room but I can hear laughter in my mom's room.

"What the hell are they doing?" I muttered.

I walk in causing them to stop and look at me.

"Y/N! I'm just telling Somi your childhood days. Come here."

"So you're making fun of my childhood? That's great." I sarcastically said.

I went in and sat beside mom. I saw pictures of me and Jeongyeon unnie on her bed.

"Where is your mom? Don't they looking for you?" I asked Somi that made mom to elbowed me.

"They are quite busy." She said.

"Why are you like that to Somi, she said that you are a good friend of her."

"I'm not, we're not even friends, to be honest," I said straightly.

Suddenly my mom beat my head.


"Somi, sorry for her. Maybe she forgot her manners somewhere." Mom said that made Somi laugh.

"So Somi, how's Jeongyeon?"

"She's fine, like what I said," Somi said.

"Yeah, I think she's busy on her business," I said.

"I hope I can see her." Mom said.

"That's absolutely a no, I let Somi came in. But not unnie, you don't want to die, do you?" I asked

"Die? Why?" Somi asked.

"None of your business," I said.

"Tss, She's Just overreacting. Her dad and I had a small fight which usually happens in husband and wife right?"


"And it's about Jeongyeon unnie?"

"Yeah, definitely!"

"No, it's not about Jeongyeon." Mom said.

"How long would you protect her? Gosh!" I exclaimed and left the room.

"She's always like that, sorry for her." I heard as I left the room. I decided to go down to get some food for mom and also for Somi.

Somi's PoV

"How did you meet Y/N again?" Mrs. Yoo asked after Y/N left.

I'm looking at the door and just shook my head as I realized that she really left.

How can she do that to her mom, tss?

"By Umji... Uhm, We are uhm-"

"You are what?"

"Uh, Umji is my... uhm."

"Are you two?" She asked and looked at me meaningfully.

"Ah Ne, but we broke up. Maybe that's why Y/N hates me." I said awkwardly.

"Oh." She just said that made me look at her.

I actually didn't expect her to respond like that know the issue between his husband and Jeongyeon unnie? As far as I know, they are conservatives.

"You know, I can feel you and Y/N will be a good friend. Just don't give up on her. She's really a worthy one."

"I know, Umji always tells something about her before. I can say she's a good friend."

Not so long the door went opened and I saw Y/N holding a tray.

"I brought a food, the maid said you didn't take your medicine so I brought it also." She said and puts down the tray on the bed.

"Somi, mind if you join? You're a visitor after all." She said that made me look at her surprise.

"Are you leaving?" Mrs. Yoo asked.

"Uhm, yeah. I need to." She said keeping her eyes on her phone.

"Bye, mom."  She said as she kissed her mom and then look at me as she left.

"Hayy, She's really a grownup." Mrs. Yoo sighed in comfort.

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