/Chapter Sixty-One/

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Your PoV

I woke up early in the morning as my alarmed rings.

I turned it off and walk into my bathroom to take a shower. Since today is Sunday, I want to go out which I don't really do.

"I should call Somi to accompany me," I mumbled as I brushed my teeth.

[Phone Rings]



"Oh, g-good morning... Uhm I'm just wondering if you're free?"


"I... Dahyun and Umji asked me, yeah... squad outing? You want?"

["Sorry I'm busy. Il just tell them to-"

"No! I mean... I'll tell them. It's ok... h-have a nice day."

After I said that, I hung up the call and throw it on my bed.

"Tch, there's so many days in the calendar, why did so chose this day to be busy?" I hissed and slammed on my bed.

"Well, I think it's good to know... I don't know how to face her after I remembered what I told her."

I covered my face because of the embarrassment I am feeling.

"Geez Y/N why did you said that!?"

I slap myself multiple times as the embarrassment deepens.

"I know she's good to date but why did y- Fuck, what am I saying!?" I groaned as I kicked my legs on.

"This is so insane!"

It took minutes before I went out of my bed. I run to my fridge to check if I still have supplies and food nothing.

"I should buy foods so the next time she'll go here she doesn't n-..."

I closed the door and covered my mouth as realized what I just said.

"I'm getting weirder day by day... this shit needs to be stopped!"

Third Person

As Y/N is in her apartment, Somi is in Dahyun café.

"Who is that?" Dahyun asked as she noticed Somi has been staring at her phone for minutes.

"U-uh nothing." She said as she put down her phone and still looking at it.

She's actually waiting for Y/N to call back but her expectations failed her.

"What's with the long face?" Dahyun asked.

Somi sighed and rest her chin on her hand.


"Really? Are you sure?"

"What does it mean if someone didn't wear the thing you gave?" Somi asked Dahyun.

Dahyun looked at Somi confusedly as she sat across from her.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing... It just...she didn't wear it."

"She? Who? Wait are you dating with already? I thought you think you're destined with Y/N?" Dahyun asked continuously.

Somi looked at Dahyun and sighed.

"I gave her a ring, she's not wearing it..."


Somi just nods as she laid her head on the table.

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