/Chapter Sixty-Eight/

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Your PoV

"I think it's a good idea, let's live together."

My eyes widened as I heard what Somi said. Is she even serious about that?


"Let's live together. That's more convenient, I don't need to go here back and forth to spend time with you." She said.

She's serious...

"Don't you think it's so early for that? I mean, I wouldn't mind tho, but-"

"I get it, you don't want to." She said and about to walk in the bathroom with tantrums.

"No, Somi wait."

"Ok fine, but I'm telling you, we can't spend time as always since I need to go to school. It would be very boring for you to stay here alone." I explained.

"I'm staying in my house alone too. Staying here is much better coz I know you'll come back." She said.

I sighed in defeat and pulled her closer into a hug.

"Ok then, let's get you things tomorrow."


"Yeah, whatever you want."


I broke on the hug and look back seeing Umji and Dahyun watching on us.

"Gosh, have some privacy!"

"Sorry, just too sweet to handle," Dahyun said.

I sighed and just rolled my eyes in frustration.

"Get in, change your clothes," I said to Somi and left the room dragging the two.

"So this is the in love version of Y/N, so whipped," Umji said and laughed.

"Shut up, you two should go. Your girlfriend and husband are looking for you." I said.

"After asking us to cook? Oh, come on Y/N." Umji whined.

"Well yeah, we should give them quality time," Dahyun said.

I just look at her so done as I didn't expect her to jump up in this kind of tease of Umji. Seriously these two...

"Go on, thanks for cooking for us!"

"Yah! We cooked a lot, you can't eat it all!"

"Tch, if you just didn't go here maybe you weren't asked to cook for us."

"Her idea," Dahyun said and points to Umji.

"Ok ok fine, we don't want to ruin your date so we'll go out of the picture-"

"Hey guys, you're leaving already?"

I looked at my room where the voice is coming and saw Somi already done changing her clothes.

"Yeah, your wife wants us to leav- Ouch!" Umji said as I kicked her.

"No, it's ok, eat with us. I hope your girlfriend and husband are not looking for you tho."

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