/Chapter Fifty-Two/

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Somi's PoV

We are heading to the school as I am the one who's driving.

For an unknown reason, I feel so safe and calm with Y/N. I mean as always but with Y/N is still different.

I smiled in my thought as I remembered what I had dreamed last night. I don't know if I could consider it as a good or bad dream.

Just last night, when I was sleeping, I suddenly felt that it was my last sleep. I opened my eyes and saw the different scents that I could see.

The next thing that happened is I am suffocating with it. I called Y/N multiple times but she's not showing.

I don't know why I called her, it's so unclear but the next thing I saw before I could get back in myself is a red thread forming on my finger.

I was so shock and it feels so surreal that I can see t in my dreams. Then a familiar scent caught my eyes. I know it is just around my place.

I was laying on the floor but I could see it clearly. Even if the other scents are distracting me, of all the scent, her scent caught me and saved me.

And it's Y/N's scent...

I know it's kinda confusing, there are times her scent won't show up but there are times it will. And that time, in my dream, it feels so real.

I woke up catching my own breath and feels like wanting to be with Y/N.

I think I fall for her not because I need her...

Sadly she doesn't feel the same.

"If thoughts are water then you're already drowning." I voice beside me said.

I looked at her and smiled.

Is she concerned? Or it's her natural way of insulting me?

What am I feeling? At first, I just want to be with her because I do feel she's the one that I need, but now...

She's literally not doing something but a strong feeling is hitting my heart. It's a satisfying craving.

Her scent is not as alluring as the others, but it's not suffocating compared to everyone.

Which I found so unique.

And It made me fall for her,

Is that only? I don't know...

"Geez you're so weird today, you surely didn't have enough sleep." She said with a trace of irritation.

If you just know, I want to talk to you all day, tell you what I am feeling. But I am afraid that you'll find it weird and irritating.

Just like what I said, I am a human too, I don't want to receive a response such as that. Especially if it came from you.

"Why? are you missing the times that I am annoying you?" I asked.

"I'm actually used to it, but this time feels great. If you'll continue that, maybe we can get along in the future." She said.

I stopped and looked at her shockingly.

In the future, she sees herself with me!?

Wait... it must be an insult and not a compliment...

"We're getting late Somi, go on." She hissed.

I sighed and just shake my head. I continue to drive and after minutes we arrived at the school.

"Inform me if you have something to do later on our lunch." She said and about to go but I stopped her by holding her hand.


I smiled and looked down at her hand where I put the ring.

It should be her, it has to be her.

It should be me. And it has to be me.

"See you later," I said and smiled.

She retrieved her hand and just nod as she walks away.

Your PoV

As I walk to my room, just in time that the teacher walked in too. We just discussed many things as I listened intently.

Suddenly something crossed my mind.

I excused myself and left the room. I'm walking in the corridor and saw the person that I am looking for.

I looked at her through the window as she listened intently to their professor.

Suddenly she looked at me as if she knew that I was there. She smiled making me look away.

Third Person

It's already lunchtime, Y/N walks into the cafeteria as she stops when she saw Somi.

"So what are you doing outside our classroom huh? Huh?" Somi asked making Y/N answer.

"It's nothing," Y/N said and continued to walk.

"Did you see it? I'm listening intently so you don't have to tutor me to"

"If you're listening then how come you know that I was there?" Y/N asked.

Somi smiled widely and clings to Y/N.

"Because my heart said so." Somi just said.

'Her scent really stood up among the others, so there's no way I won't able to tell if she's around me.' Somi thought.

As they arrived at the cafeteria, they both get their food and eat.

"Let's see what lesson you had," Y/N said as she snatched the notebook to Somi.

"I told you, I got the lesson today," Somi said.

Suddenly Y/n started asking questions making Somi too startled as she didn't expect it.

"See? You didn't listen." Y/N said.

"I did! Try it again." Somi defends.

Y/N just sighed and continued what she's doing.

"See, I told you I was listening," Somi said.

"Let's go to the lesson yesterday." Y/N just said.

Somi nods and listened to Y/N as she teaches the latter and explained the lessons.

Secretly, she's looking at the ring on the Y/N's pinky finger and smiled.

'She didn't remove it.'

"Somi are you listening?" Y/N asked.

"Yes, I got it. Let's eat now." Somi said as she keeps her notebook and looked at Y/N as she eats.

"Make sure you'll graduate in this course with learnings with you huh," Y/N said.

"I'll make sure that I will graduate with you too," Somi said and winked.

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