/Chapter Sixty-Five/

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Somi's PoV

"Y/N went to my company yesterday. She asked me about the strings. She even said that she dreamed about it."

For some unknown reason, I feel excited as I heard it from Chaeyoung. If Y/N saw it, then she believes in it.

Did she saw that our strings attached? I asked as I want on Y/N's response.

"Y-you're nice." She said.

I look at her as she's looking down on her closed feet.

"Sometimes you're annoying. But you're nice." She said.

"Have you ever think of dating me?" I asked making her look at me surprisingly.

Red tint starting to flush over her face as she still looking at me.

Come on Y/N, you must remember what you said!


"I-it's seems that I said that before." She said as she scratched the back of her head and looks away.

"I-I think you're good to d-date." She said.

"What did you say?" I asked even tho I heard it already.

She looks at me irritatingly, making me chuckle as her face is fully red now.

"You remember that, but you didn't ask about it again, did you?." She said.

"You remember it yet you didn't ask it again." I ranted back.

"Because I thought you wouldn't take it seriously." She said.

"What? So if I didn't take it seriously and didn't bring back the topic you won't ask me?" I asked sounding offended.


I stood up before she could finish her sentence and walks away.

"Hey Somi!"


"Wait! I didn't mean that way." She said as she caught me.

She sighed as she faced me.

"T-the last night that I was d-drunk, I can't exactly remember what I said... B-but I think you're good to date."

"Even before that day, I just don't know how to ask you properly..." She said as she's glancing at me nervously.

"W-whatever I said that night, It's not a lie."

I crossed my arms and look up at her.



"So what now?" I asked as I wait on her to speak.

She looks away and just sighed.

"If you just like... to date me?"

"Can you repeat it again and try to say it looking at me?" I requested.

"Are you playing with me?" She asked with furrowed brows

"No, I just want to see how cute you are. Come on, just a favor." I said with a smile.

She didn't reply as her brows still furrowing. I chuckled at her reaction and just hug her tight.

"Let's go, from now on we're dating."

"How can you be so calm after this. I'm literally shaking." She said

I just laughed and looked back at her.

If you just know, I'm so overwhelmed and fulfilled.

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