/Chapter One/

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Somi's PoV

"Hello, guys!!" Chaeyoung said as we got in the house.

"Woah! Glad you found Somi!" Jeongyeon unnie said when she saw me.

"I didn't found her, she found me," Chaeyoung said and sat beside Mina.

"Eh?" they uttered confusedly.

"Her scent never changed," I said and shrugged.

"Where's Chungha anyway?" Jihyo unnie asked.

"She's kinda busy," I said

We continued the talk and do some stuff.
It's been years since I met them. Everything changed, to be honest. But, it was a good changed .

"Somi." I snapped back as I heard Mina called me, I looked at her.

"Let's talk." She said and signaled me to go out.

I followed her outside where she stopped.

"Why Mina unnie?" I asked.

"How are you? Did you find it already?" She asked and gave me a worryingly look.

I just smiled at her and nodded.

"Yup, hopefully, she's the one," I said.

"That's good to know. I hope I could help you like what you did to Chaeyoung and me."

(A/N: If you're curious about what happened, you can read the first series. The girl who sees red strings at my old acc (cold_jane10) then the continuation of it is in here at my new acc. Hehe, but it's ok if you don't want to. But I assure you'll love the story hehe.)

"Tss, Mina unnie I didn't do anything. I just said what I found out. I just told to the both of you that your scents are compatible. Surprisingly both of your scents never changed." I said that made her smile.

"Power of love I guess?"


"I wish she's the right one for you. You deserve to-"

"Unnie stop, I'm fine HAHAHA!" I laughed as I assured.

"Tss, if you say so. Let's go now." She said and signaled me to go inside again.


Your PoV

I'm walking back to my apartment after I went to my parents' house. I'm living separately with them as I want to I think I can live on my own now.

They agreed with this decision of mine, but I'm still locked into them. I mean the business of my parents will be pass to me.

Wanna know why?

I'm Yoo Y/N. I have an older sister named Yoo Jeongyeon. She supposed to be the one that will hold the business that my parents are working with right now.

Jeongyeon unnie suppose to have it all but she refused. No, not really. My father disowned her. My parents are kinda strict and they adopted this traditional setup. Jeongyeon unnie confessed to us that she has a girlfriend. Our father made her choose, it's either her to leave the girl alone and be with us OR stay with her girl and disown by my parents.

Guess what? She chose her girlfriend. I don't blame her or what, but knowing that all of the responsibilities were passed to me?

It has been years already since that happened. I'm still training myself on handling the company of ours and I can say that I made my parents proud, hopefully...

Regarding my relationship with Jeongyeon unnie, we're fine and cool. Not so cool. We rarely talk or meet since I'm busy with managing the pieces of stuff that I need to manage while she is busy on her own.

As I arrived at my apartment, I slammed on the couch.

"Y/N, your life became better as you got separated from your parents," I said to myself and felt so proud.

I just sighed and get my phone to scroll on my Twitter. Upon scrolling, I saw a post from my sister. I saw many photos of her uploaded with her friends.

"You live much better than I could," I said.

Suddenly I smiled bitterly upon remembering what happened back then. I can't believe that from best buddies, we became like this. We're sisters but we are strangers now.

"At least you're happy." I turned off my phone and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat but I don't see anything. My fridge is full of drinks but had nothing to eat.

I just sighed and get my phone to order food.

Like my daily life.

After several minutes, my order arrived. I opened the door as I heard a doorbell and then a guy greeted me with a smile.

"Here's your order ma'am." He said and gave me my order.

"Thank you, here," I said and gave my payment.

"Thank you, Ma'am, have a nice dinner!"

Yeah whatever

I closed the door after and prepared the food.

I walked to my living room and decided to eat there. I opened the TV and put my ordered food on the table.

"Tonight we'll be witnessing a beloved couple that met because of an unbelievable happening." I heard on the TV.

I looked at it and saw that the TV show is about couples.


I'm about to change the channel when I heard something that stopped me.

"Based on our couple for today. They met because of a red string. Yup, you heard it right!"

"What the heck?" I utter as I heard that.

"Let's welcome, Son Chaeyoung, and Son Myoui Mina. They are known as the great CEO of their family company. Son Chaeyoung from Son corporations and Myoui Mina from one of the famous companies in Japan."

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