/Chapter Eighty-Seven/

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Your PoV

We are currently in our room as the sounds coming from the TV are the only noise that you could hear. Somi is sleeping while her head is on my lap and we are on the couch.

"I won't get in blood, I promise," I uttered as I stroke her hair.

I don't know but seems Somi got into a dream and saw something. For an unknown reason, I do feel worried about that. That rarely happens and I can fully see the expression on her face up until now.

I released a sigh and hold her hand to intertwined it with mine so it makes her feel safe.

"I love you so much, that I don't want to lose you." I smiled like an idiot.

I didn't see this before. having this life outside the company, being with the person I really love for the first time.

Jeongyeon unnie is right, there is a life outside Dad's zone, outside my zone.


I looked down and saw Somi half-eyes opened.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked as I stopped stroking her hair.

"No, it's fine. Let's sleep." She said.

I turned off the TV and walk with her to our bed.

"I heard it all, promise you'll take care of yourself If ever." She said.

I chuckled softly and nod. We cuddle as we lay on the bed and closed our eyes.

"Your scent never changes." She coed.

"Really? I wonder how it looks like and how it smells like."

"It looks like plain and simple as you, and smells like me." She said and chuckled.

"That's weird, but a good weird," I said as I poke the tip of her nose.

"I love you, Y/N."

"You know what is my response, right?" I asked.

"I want to hear it." She requests.

I smiled and kissed her.

"I love you more."

We stared for a minute fully awake.

"Can you tell me about that dream? What happened?" I asked curiously.

I saw her expression changed into anxiety as she averts her eyes but hugged me.

"Let's not talk about it, please." She begged.

"I just want to know, besides, It won't happen," I said.

She moved back and looked at me again. A heavy sigh came out from her then she holds both my hands.

"I saw you with Nayeon unnie, you arrived with her and you are covered with blood, your own blood."

I stared at her blankly and just nod.

"But Nayeon unnie is not here, so stop worrying."

She looked at me and sighed once again.

"They will arrive tomorrow, on their wedding day. That exactly what I saw in my dream. You both arrived late, she was supporting you." Somi explains.

"Is that so?"

"You're not surprised?" She asked.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Dahyun and Umji told me that they are coming," I revealed making her sighed for the nth time.

"That's really timing if I can just lock you here for you not to attend the wedding, but that exactly why they hold it here because you are here also," Somi said without removing her eyes on me.

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