/Chapter Ninety Three/

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Third Person

"Don't forget to call me, I'll call you if I'm in my break but still my phone is always on if you want to call me," Somi said.

"Uhuh, you said it twice already."

"And if you have problems, tell me. Or to the friends, but tell me first, I want at least to help you even if you're far from me."-Somi.

"You said it thrice already." Y/N chuckled.

"I just want you to remember it, you keep forgetting things. Don't ever forget me, and I love you." Somi added as she puts her hand on Y/N's shoulders, facing her.

"And that should be an eternity. I love you more." Y/N giggled.

"Girls! We need to go!"

Y/N snapped and looked at her mom who called her.

They are now in the airport to get back to South Korea as Somi decided to see Y/N before she goes.

"I need to go, I love you very much. See you as we got the drop, on a video call." Y/N said and hugged Somi.

"I'm gonna miss you," Somi mumbled.

"I'm going to miss you too," Y/N replied as she kissed the latter's forehead and smiled.

"I'll be back, I love you."

Y/N waved her hand as she walks away to Somi.

Somi waited in her condo as she doesn't have a schedule for her work too.

"Aishh, I'm so stupid. I can't live here without someone." She sighed.

She gets out and gets in her car to drive herself back to her parent's house since she can't stay alone in her condo.

"Hi mom, Hi dad." Somi greeted as she meets her parents.

"Oh, you were alone? Where's Y/N?" Her mom asked.

"She just got off and heading back to South Korea," Somi said and hugged her parents.

"Oh, we aren't informed that you guys broke up."

"What? No, we didn't. S-she just decided to go back for a year and finish her study there instead." Somi explains.

Her parents looked at each other as if they are talking in their minds. They looked back at Somi and smiled.

"You miss her?"

"Of course, already." Somi sighed.

"I think your dad has something to say." Her mom said and tapped her husband's shoulder.

"I'll prepare foods for us." Her mom said and leaves the two.

"What is it, dad?" Somi asked wearily.

"Look, I have no problems with you and Y/N. Not because she's your cure but because she loves you. I could tell it." Her dad said.

Somi listened intently as her dad mentioned her lover.

"But Somi, things are happening so fast. Don't you notice it? Well, I know time doesn't really matter, ok? You both still need to face a long run. This, this thing happening right now is nothing. Should be nothing."

"Sometimes you need to separate for your loved ones for a while to see how strong are you. I know you are strong, but I want to know how strong you will be as you face your future struggles."


"Trust, trust is the key, Somi. Both of you can grow up more. I know Y/N is a well-grownup already, but you have something more to show off, dear. Even love has competition, if she loves you, you must love her more. A nontoxic competition just loves." Her father said.

"Yeah, until now your dad is up with the competition. Keeps showing he loves me more than I know, Crazy." Her mom said who came out from the kitchen.

"The food is ready, let's eat."

After a long flight, Y/N and her family came back to Seoul. Instead of getting back to her apartment, she went back to her parents' house instead.

"The others just got in their home also, flight is really hard for us," Jeongyeon said.

"Oh gosh, our baby will be going with us also." Y/N's mom said as she hugged Y/N.

The car only got Jeongyeon, Nayeon, her mom, and Y/N so they are having a great time.

"Good thing Somi let us," Jeongyeon said and laughed.

"Speaking of, I need to call her," Y/N said.

After minutes, they arrived at their house.

Y/N went to her room that she left before after she transferred to her own apartment.

"I told the maids to clean it, we'll wait for you downstairs. Your sister is also in the other room to change." Her mom said and left her.

As Y/N put down her luggage, she gets her laptop and opened a video call for Somi.

"Hey, I arrived safely," Y/N said as Somi showed up on the screen.

"Really? I'm at dad and mom's house. Getting ready to sleep." Somi chuckled.

"This is something new and weird, but we can make it right?" Y/N asked.

Somi nods as she remembered her father's sayings to her.

"Yeah, of course, we will."

"Don't be so worry too much, I'll update up as I can. Modeling is a big break for you to leave it." Y/N said.

"Thank you for understanding, well know what? I'm kinda excited for the next year. This time actually."

"Uhuh, you see this exciting?"

"Sort off, dad sayings," Somi said and shrugged.

"Alright, I think you better sleep. You don't want you're under the eye to get dark yeah? Goodnight there."

"Have a good day there," Somi said.

"I love you, sweet dreams."

"I love you more."

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