/Chapter Ninety-One/

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Somi's PoV

"Take a look at her, I just need to go to the police station." Y/N's mom said.

I smiled and nodded while I am sitting on the chair next to Y/N's bed.

"Somi, don't you want to take a rest first? You've been up for how many hours already." Jeongyeon unnie asked concerned.

I smiled and look at her as I shake my head.

"It's ok, I am fine," I said.

I just can't leave Y/N. I need to see her wake up.

"I told you, She'll be fine." Nayeon unnie said.

"Yeah, but If I just saw who did this to Y/N, maybe I am in jail now," I said.

"Before we left the place, I saw Y/N took down the guy who probably did that to her. That's why I didn't know that she got a stab." Nayeon unnie explained.

"Stupid, She's stupid to go to her sister's wedding when she should go to the hospital first." Jeongyeon unnie said.

I chuckled lightly and look back at Y/N. I held her hand and saw the ring is still on her pinky finger.

"I can't lose you, I don't want to," I mumbled as I caress her hand.

"Now that dad is no longer staying with us... don't you think it's fine if you both go back to Korea?" Jeongyeon unnie said which made me look at her.

"Jeongyeon." Nayeon unnie utters.

"Sorry, I just want... to be with Y/N. I mean, me, her, and mom. You know that we've never been together for a long time, right?" Jeongyeon unnie said.

I came silently as I don't know what to say too. I can't even decide about it since it will be on Y/N's decision. But, if they are going to ask me, I want Y/N to stay here.

I want her on my side only.

"But I do understand, you have your work here. And you can't be far from Y/N." Jeongyeon unnie said.

I looked at Y/N and sighed.

What would be your choice, if you're awake already? I asked in my thought.

"I'll get us food to eat. I'm sure we are all hungry." Nayeon unnie said and leaves.

As it's only me and Jeongyeon unnie, she sat beside me and caress my back.

"I know you guys love each other. I never saw Y/N like that before. Maybe because I never tried to, but I think this is also the first time for Dahyun especially Umji to see her like that." Jeongyeon unnie said.

"You pulled her out of her comfort zone. And I thank you for that."

"But maybe it's too early, right? I know that Y/N wants to be with mom too, she just can't since dad is there."

I smiled and just nod. I know what her trying to say. But I just don't know if It's fine for me.

Is it fine for me?

Third Person

After a serious talk, Jeongyeon left to follow Nayeon since she's not yet coming back. Somi was left as she's just staring at Y/N.

"Wake up, Y/N. I want to hear your voice already." Somi said as she kissed Y/N's hand.

After long, Somi fell asleep holding the latter's hand.

Everything is peaceful when Y/N gained her consciousness. As she opened her eyes she saw Somi on her side bed which made her smile.

"S-somi," Y/N called up weakly.

She puts her free hand on Somi's head and pats it.

The door went open as Dahyun and Umji entered and saw Y/N is awake.


"Shh!" Y/N hushed.

Umji and Dahyun covered their mouth and nod.

"You're awake." Umji squeals as she stops making some noise.

"You're the dumbest I know, who would go to a wedding with a severe stab?" Dahyun scolds.

"S-sorry," Y/N said and chuckled softly.

Suddenly, Somi moved as she heard light noises.

Y/N looked at Somi as she waits for their eyes to meet.

"Hi," Y/N said as Somi looked at her.

"Y/N!" Somi exclaimed as she hugged the latter.

"O-oh! S-somi my-"

"Oh sorry, sorry." Somi panicked as she realized that she touches the latter's stitch.

"I'm sorry, I'm just happy."

"Oh, sure you are." Dahyun and Umji said in unison.

"You! Did you leave your brain in our place? Who would think to go on her sister's wedding first when you are in danger already?!" Somi exclaimed as she scolds Y/N.

"You even hid it to us!"

"You said that I should go back without any trace of blood. I tried to, so I just hid it." Y/N said inanely.

"Yeah, she left her brain in the condo," Umji said.

"You should have brought it too when you left the ring, girl." Dahyun also spoke up.

"Are you fine? Hungry? What do you want?" Somi asked.

"Somi, chill," Umji said.

The door opened again and this time the others came with Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

"Y/N! You're awake!" Jeongyeon said and walk to her sister.

"Hey Y/N, do you forget something or anything? Do you know us?" Tzuyu asked.

"She got stabbed, it has nothing to do with her brain," Chaeyoung said.

"Oh, I thought her head was damaged when she got stabbed that she chose to go to the wedding instead at the hospital," Tzuyu said making the others laugh.

Y/N just looked at them so done as she pouts which Somi noticed.

"It's ok, they just missed you," Somi said.

"Well, at least no one dies," Jihyo said.

"Oh, what happened to the wedding?" Y/N asked as she remembered.

"The important thing is we wore the rings, right?" Nayeon said as she showed their wedding rings on Nayeon and Jeongyeon's finger.

"Ohhh, too bad your honeymoon will be in the hospital." Tzuyu butted in.

Y/N smiled as she saw how happy her friends are.

"Let's eat, we brought foods to eat!"

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