/Chapter Seventy-Seven/

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Somi's PoV

After minutes of driving, I arrived at Y/N's house. I saw her car in front of her house and saw it unclosed.

When I walk closer, I saw someone's vomit on the driver's seat.

"What the hell?" I uttered and closed the door of the car.

I walk into Y/N's house and saw that it wasn't locked.Suddenly a thought came to my mind that maybe someone gets in on Y/N's house.

I run inside and search for Y/N but didn't see anything. I opened the lights and checks the living room and kitchen but still no Y/N.

"Y/N! Y/N where are you?" I yelled.

I walk into Y/N's room and saw an open light in the bathroom. I run to the bathroom and saw her, soaking in the water.


I run to her body at the shower cubicle and check the her after I turned off the shower and help her to stand up.

As my skin touches her, I am startled as I felt her hot temperature.

"Shit, are you sick!?"

"Somi," Y/N uttered.

"Come on, you're not fine," I said.

Suddenly she grabbed my cheeks making my face come closer to her.

Without a minute, Y/N is kissing me passionately and in need.

Her eyes were closed. And here I am, my eyes are widened open.

She stopped after a minute and looked me straightly with her teary eyes.

"I miss you."

With just does words, it suddenly woke my hormones wanting her to feel the whole me. I pinned her gently on the wall and I brought my lips to her.

I closed my eyes as I caressed her arm down to her hands and let my fingers intertwined on her.

An arisen hormone went over my body when I felt Y/N's other hand traveling on my waist, pulling me closer to her body. I even could feel the thud on our chest, beating in rhythm.

This is crazy

Her other hand that was on my waist travelled on the back of my neck and requesting for more.

I bit her lip making her to release a soft moan and allowing me to have my entrance.

As our lips are parted slightly, I let my tongue slip inside while our bodies pressed together that I can feel her soaking clothes. I snaked my arm on her nape to deepen our kiss, feeling her tongue.

We both moan because of the dominance of our tongues battling and tasting each other.

The taste of strong liquor but there is a unique taste that wanting me to have more of her.

As I felt that we need to get some air, I broke on the kiss and started to suck her jaw down to her neck with wet kisses.

"Ughh~ Somi" she moaned making me blushed.

I went down to her neck finding her sweet spot. And as I found it, my lips touch her pail hot neck. I'm so closed to her that could clearly smell the scent of the liquor and her own scent.

"Mhhh, shit you're so good." I said as I continued sniffing her neck.I moaned in satisfaction as I sucked her neck leaving a love mark.

"Mhhh~" she moaned as she tightened her hold on my hand.

I crawled up and continued to kiss her again while I'm starting to remove her pants. In the middle of our kissing, I moaned as she touches my ass and giving it a massage.

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