/Chapter Sixteen/

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Your PoV

I woke up early since I still have to prepare for the meeting later. I already took a shower and also in my formal wear. I prepared my laptop and presentation and now I'm just in the room and compose myself.

"Y/N, I brought you food. Eat this so you can be as good later." Umji said and gave me a plastic bag from a convenience store.

"I'm nervous... I think I can't get it." I said to Umji.

She just smiled and sat beside me to comfort me.

"Come on, you can get everything you want. You'll do everything to get it right?" She said.

Umji knows me, I'm the kind of person who wants to get what I need or what I want but in this case, I suddenly feel not confident.

"Do you think it can affect what they found out yesterday?" I asked

I am referring to the confession of Jeongyeon unnie. Now I get it, I didn't want to over conclude as I don't know what Jeongyeon unnie is thinking but I think she purposely said it. But why?

"Well, when I was with Dahyun yesterday as you stayed here, she said that nothing's happened. When we left, Dahyun said that Jeongyeon unnie explained everything and the others understand it." Umji said.

I looked at her as I don't know if I should feel relief or what. I don't even know what did Jeongyeon unnie told them.

"Don't worry, just mind the deal later. You'll get it ok!" She said and held both of my shoulders.

I nodded and smiled. After that, I decided to go to the meeting place earlier to prepare my things. It took 10 minutes as I already finished it then I just sat and wait for them to arrive.

While leaning on my chair, I heard a creek sound that made me turn around and saw Jeongyeon unnie.

I immediately stood up as I saw her. Realizing her presence made me freeze like a stone.


"Ms. Yoo, I'm here to say that the chairman can't see you due to an urgent meeting, but I'm here to discuss to you her words." She said that made me gulped. I looked behind her to see if she's with the other boards but I didn't see anyone.

Damn is this serious?

"Ok. Uhm Should I start my presentation?" I asked as she gets in her seat while my eyes are stuck on her.

"Sure." She said and pull out her things too.

While presenting I didn't expect that she'll listen to my entire presentation. I don't know if I should be glad that she did since it makes me feel uneasy too but maybe she's just being professional.

How come she can do it in front of her younger sister. Imagine we didn't talk or see each other for years yet she looks like she didn't even care about it.

I just sighed mentally as I finished all my reports and then bowed at her after. She kept the look that she's been wearing since we started the meeting.

"That's it?" She asked

"Yes, uhm actually I added more compared to the presentation last time," I informed.

She just nodded and looked at her screen.

"Well, I see... look, Ms. Yoo, we actually predicted your presentation. For me, I can say that your offers don't give an advantage to our company. But I'll try to tell this to the chairman for confirmation." She said straightly and about to stand up but I stopped her.

"Isn't it enough? I'm a hundred percent confident about it... What's the matter?" I asked as I stopped myself to burst into anger.

I just looked at her while she also did the same, we're like having a staring contest when she broke it as she huffed.

"Not enough for our company. I said my words, Ms. Yoo, thank you for your time. You did great but not as great to fulfill the needs of our company." She said.

A bitter chuckle went out of me. I clicked my tongue and looked at her fearlessly.

"Is this still about the business or you're taking it seriously?" I asked

"I'm taking it seriously for the company Ms. Yoo." She said.

"Tch, really? Ok then. Thanks for listening." I said and grab my things as I went out of the place first.

I really hate it when I can't press my anger when it comes to her. She's being unreasonable as always for me.


"What!?" I asked irritatedly as I heard someone called me. When I turned around I saw Somi who looks startled.

"Oh- chill... uhm are you ok?" She asked.

"Somi not now, If you're looking for umj-"

"No, I'm actually looking for you... Umji said that I can see you here. Are you done with the meeting already?" She asked which made me frowned.

"Do you care?"I mumbled.

"I-I'm sorry." She said stutteringly.

I just hissed and turned around as I continued to walk out.

Geez, I have no time to play. I can't just lose that deal!

"Woah woah~ easy girl!" I stopped as two guys stopped me and they are looking at me like morons.

"Move away, you're blocking my way," I said as I pressed myself.

"Not so fast lady, wanna join us at the bar?" The taller one asked.

"No, now go away," I said and about to shove them but they suddenly grabbed my wrists.

"What the fuck!?" I growled and tried to release them in their grips but they are way stronger.

"Come on, just one night?"

"Yeah, we've been seeing you since yesterday. I think you need someone.... or two of us, what you think?" The other one said and started to move closer to me.

I moved my face away as I can smell strong alcohol from him.

"Fuck, just leave me alone!"

"You look out, I'll get her first." The guy said to the other one which made me frowned.

"Don't make her tired ok? I'll hit her later." The other one said and chuckles.

My eyes widened after hearing their words. I pulled my wrist back but the guy who's holding me locked me in his arms.

"Let's go, baby, just one round."

"Hell no! He-ARGH!" I exclaimed as he suddenly pinned me on the wall. I can't even feel my head after that because of the impact.

My vision started to get blurry then I started to hear chuckles.

I fell from the ground then my eyes are starting to close when I heard the two guys arguing.

"What did you do!?"

"Shut up, just help me."

I felt my body floating then suddenly I heard a loud sound.


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