/Chapter Eighty-Two/

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Your PoV

"Are you sure, you'll be fine here?" I asked as I wear my shoes since I'll be going today to the building to get my things there.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Grab me some food as you go back." She giggled while she's watching on the TV.

"Ok, love you," I said as I planted a kiss on her head and gets ready to go.

"Take care." She said before I left the house.

I immediately walk to my car and texted unnie first if I can go now. Not so long she responded.

I'm actually trying to avoid dad as I can. Unnie can't leave her office tho so I just asked her to send me a signal if Dad is in the company or not.

As I got the signal, I drive to the company.

Now that everything is getting better, I hope it will be just like this as always. Tho I know it's not permanent, there will be challenges but this time, I feel I can face them.

I should.

Not so long, I arrived at the company, I get in without the guards stopping me. Maybe they are not still informed that I can't be here.

"What a relief." I sighed.

I immediately walk into my room where my things are kept.

As I opened the door, I saw signs of the room being unoccupied for weeks. I mean, since I got in Chungha's company. Maybe no one gets in this room.

I sighed and get a box that I saw in the corner and get my important stuff.

"I did everything to have you, but maybe having you is not luck for me." I sighed as I wander my eyes I every edge of the room.

After I get all the stuff that I left, I went out of the room and about to leave the room when the room in front of my room suddenly opened which is Dad's office.

I went back again and closed the door, but I left it slightly open.

"Good to know that you're always up in this situation Mr. Kim." I heard dad's voice and seems what they are talking about is something serious.

"Of course Mr. Yoo, I would love to marry your daughter. I've been liking her but your daughter is too dense to see that."

My brows raised as I heard the word 'marry' what the fuck are they talking about?

"Just wait Mr. Kim, everything will fall into the right place."

Not so long the voice disappeared, as I sense that there's no one outside, I immediately walk out of the room and leaves the company.

I remained still in my car as I try to grasp what I just heard.

Marry? Who'll be marrying that Mr. Kim?

I cussed as I suddenly realized that I didn't see what does Mr. Kim look like.

"We need to leave this country as soon as possible." I sighed and composed myself.

Somi's PoV

"I'm home!" My head turns as I heard Y/N's voice. I jumped out of the sofa and run to her like a kid.

"Hey, babe!" I greeted as I throw myself on her, and she catches me with her arms since her hands are holding foods that she bought just like what I told her.

"How are you? I'll prepare this-" I didn't let her finish her sentence as I gave her a quick and stolen kiss.

"I'm fine," I said with a smile.

"Oh, let's ready this. It's getting cold." She said and walks into the kitchen.

I frowned as I felt that there's something wrong with her. Or she's just tired?

"I'll get your thing o-"

"No need! I'll get it, you don't need to go out. It's cold outside!" She yelled since she's in the kitchen.

I smiled at her concern and walk into the kitchen and saw her preparing the foods she bought.

"How's the day?" I asked.

"You mean, how're my three hours?" She chuckled after she looked at her watch.

Damn, it's just three hours? I thought she was gone for half day!

"Miss me that much?" She asked and puts the tray on the counter as she signaled me to sit beside her.

"Yeah. My nose always hunts for your scent." I said as I started to eat.

She just nods and smiled plainly. We continue to eat.

"So how is it?" I asked.

"Luckily, dad didn't see me." She said.

"I thought your dad is not there?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, I thought about it too. Well, what's important is I'm here now." She said and shrugged.

I look at her and I can really feel that something is bothering her, she can't even look at me straightly and keep glancing.

"Hey, say it." I hissed as I felt irritated suddenly.

She stopped as she senses my mood and looked at me slowly.


"Y/N, tell me? What happened?" I asked.

"Something happened and you can't hide it from me. I know you already." I said.

She stops and sighed.

"Let's go to Canada already." She said.

It's not that I don't want to, actually, I am happy but Y/N's sudden decision is something.

"Hmm? Don't you want to spend time with the squad first?" I asked.

I saw her expression. It's like she wants to but her thought is stopping her.

"Let's stay for a week. You don't need to worry." I just said and held her hand tightly.

I don't know what exactly is happening but Y/N should not worry. We are getting better, aren't we?

"Besides, you need to fix your papers right?"

"Oh yeah."

"Anyway... if we arrived in Canada, am I going to meet your parents?" She asked with visible concern.

I smiled and nod as I find her cute in her expression.

"I'm nervous." She said.

"They will like you, I assure you that," I said and smiled.

"Hope so, how about the house? Where are we going to live?" She asked.

"I have a penthouse, we can stay there. I also told mom that I'll be selling my house here."


"Yeah, if we want to go back here for vacation, then let's stay here in your apartment instead," I said.

She nods instantly with a big smile like a puppy.

"You're so cute." I giggled and we continued to eat.

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