/Chapter Seventy-Three/

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Your PoV

After I finished checking our booths, I told Tris that I'll be going. Since it's just preparation, there are no classes.

I get in my car and drive myself to the company as I decided to talk to dad.

"Yeah, it's my fault... I should have told dad that I resigned already." I hissed as I hit my head on the steering wheel.


I hissed and went out of my car. As I walk into the company, the employees are greeting me which is unusual. I mean they do greet me but not like this that they are literally bowing 90 degrees.

"Chairwoman Yoo!"

I frowned as my dad's secretary called me.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, I mean future Chairwoman Yoo. Chairman Yoo announced that you'll be handling the company. Your hard work will be paid off!"

I ignored her and entered to dad's office without asking for permission.


"Dad, what is this?" I asked right away.

"What do you mean what is this?"

"I refused the offer, I don't want to marry Chungha."

He just scoffs and smiled.

"Well, that's actually the great news. Setting you on Chungha is not really what I want but her condition. She said that she'll continue the partnership if you agree. But suddenly, I don't know what happened... She agreed to continue the partnership and pulled her condition off."


"She passed all your progress reports. You won, you can ha-"

"I resigned! I told her that I won't be working with her anymore. Neither on this company!"

Suddenly her smile fades and looks at me blankly.

"What did you say?"

"I don't want to have this company. I-I want to live without this company."

He just laughed and leaned on his chair.

"How can you live without this company? Your life literally runs to this company."

I clenched my fist as I can sense that he's being a jerk again. To be honest my dad is really something. A money maniac who only lives with his money.

"I can live without your company."

"So you don't want to be the next holder? What's with the sudden change?"

"Don't tell me you're being like your sister before? I'm telling you, if you found someone and think that that person is the one for you then you probably stupid to think that way."

"See it on your sister? She came back because she can't live without my help. That is because she chose to be a lesbian than to continue her du-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I run to him and grab his collar.

"I'm telling you, the life outside this company is much better! Unnie wants to go back because she wants us to be like what we are again! But you are such a jerk being so obsessed with your money!"

He shoved my hand and slapped me causing me to fall on the chair across her table. Not so long, I can taste an iron taste on my lips finding it bleeding.

"You ungrateful bitch! I raised you with the money you're talking about! How can you say those things to me!"

I scoff and stood up.

"Maybe because you raised me with Your money and not with your love. I've done my best and do whatever you asked me to do. That is enough to repay you. Thank you for raising me with your money!" I said and about to go as he speaks again.

"Don't expect that you can go back here as soon as you walk out of this company!"

"I won't, No one wants to be in this hell anyway."

I left the company and get in my car.

"This will be probably the last time I can get in the company." I sighed.

I breathed in and let out the stress that I've been feeling. I want to cry out of what happened but I don't really know-how.

I get my phone to check if there's a reply but still got nothing.

This time, I decided to call Umji.

["Hey, I heard what happened yesterday... H-how does it happen?"]

"Just happened, I don't know... I want to explain to Somi because it was all a misunderstanding but I can't contact her."

["She already left. She's not in the hotel anymore."]

"Really? Thanks" I said and ended the call.

I started the car and drive to Somi's house. Probably she's already in her house.

After minutes of driving, I stopped in front of her car and saw her car.

I suddenly remembered that she didn't use a car when we get to the hotel.

I walk out of my car and tried to check if she's inside. I knocked and pressed the doorbell but no response.

"Did she took a bus?" I asked myself and checks my watch.

It's almost late 6:00 pm...

I sighed and leaned on my car as I wait on her. I don't even know if she's coming home or she'll be staying in the squad's house. But I need to explain to her. I just feel I need to.

Not so long, I heard footsteps making my head to find where the sounds coming from and saw Somi.

I stood up and faced her. I suddenly felt a huge stone was stuck in my throat.

"What are you doing here?" She asked looking at me blankly.

I was startled since I did expect her to face me with that expression.

That only means I hurt her so much...


"Please not now, I need to take a rest." She said and walk passed me.

"Somi, w-wait."

"Y/N, please. Not now... have some considerations." She pleads with a sense of irritation.

She's not even looking at me but I can feel the irritation in her voice.

"I-I'm sorry... I- I just...let's talk tomorrow If you're not b-busy."

She didn't reply and just entered her house leaving me with a shut of a door.

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