/Chapter Eighty-Five/

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Your PoV

We are now in the dining room, Somi is sitting beside me while her parents' are sitting across from us.

After I slept, I still feel nervous. I mean, I just wish someone like mom or unnie is with me too.

"Y/N, Somi said that you are in the business course?" Somi's father asked.

"A-ah yes sir..."

"And you help your dad on managing the company?"

"Yes," I replied again as I nod.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeon looked at each other as they both look back at me.

"You want to be in our company? While you're still studying, why not start under our company."

I immediately looked at Somi as she just smiled.

"I-I would like to, but are you sure? Y-you, want me t-"

"Yeah, Chungha has your record. I can't see anything wrong so why not?"

Oh my gosh, I...

"T-thank you, sir!"

They laughed as I am now standing as I bowed at them.

Somi pulled me down back on my chair as my smile is still on my lips.

"Don't need to be so formal, Y/N. Let's start eating."

After that, we started to eat and as expected they are asking and keeps on talking to me as if I am in an interview but I don't feel bad about it tho.

"Did you two did it already?" Somi's mom asked making me choked with the food I'm eating.

What the hell was that!?

"I mean, dating or going out? You should roam here in Canada... Y/N are you ok?" Her mom asked.

Somi handed me a glass of water as she's stopping herself not to laugh.

"N-ne. I'm fine. Thank you..." I replied as I sighed.

"Are you going back to your penthouse already after this or you'll roam around the city?" Somi's mom asked.

"We can do that tomorrow, we need to fix our things first," Somi said.

After we eat, Somi's dad insists to give us a ride to Somi's penthouse.

"Wow, Somi this is big," I said as we entered her place.

"Yeah, there's so many rooms too..." She said and looked at me.

"Your mom must know your attitude that's why she asked it a while ago." I hissed then she laughs.

"What? What do you think she means by that?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

I poke her forehead causing her to wince and pout.

"Let's go, we need to fix our things," I said.

"I need to take a shower too, where's the bathroom?" I asked.

She just hissed and lead me the way. We decided to fix our things first. We took Our luggage to the big room and arranged our clothes.

"Does Jeongyeon unnie told you any information about their wedding?" I asked as I put our clothes in the closet.

"They said it's already set. That's all I heard." Somi said.

After an hour of arranging our room, I told to Somi that I'll be taking shower since we haven't take a shower after we landed.

"Do you want me to come with you? You know, to save water? And turtles?" Somi asked making me laugh and frown.

"What the hell, Somi? I'll be quick." I said.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, I don't want to stay in water for long. I might get colds." I said.

She laughs and just nods as she gave up.

"Fine, fine. I don't want my baby to catch some colds." She hissed as she rolled her eyes.

"I'll be quick, let's watch TV after," I said.

She nods and I get in the bathroom. It's pretty big also, Somi and I can really take a shower together.

I just laugh at my thoughts as I realized that I becoming like Somi. Gosh, my mind!

I took off my clothes making the ring is the only thing I'm wearing.

"Pretty," I mumbled as I stared in awestruck on my pinky finger where my ring is.

I took a quick shower since I want to take a rest already. After minutes I went out as I wrap the bathrobe on me.

"Somi do you w-" I stop as I didn't see Somi in our room. I went out while drying my hair with a towel to look for her but she's not in the living room nor kitchen.

"Somi, where are you?" I yelled as I continued to walk around the area.

I arrived at the pool area as I saw Somi's clothes on the ground. As I get there completely I saw Somi in the center of the pool.

"Hey, what are you doing there?" I asked.

"Swimming? What you think?" She asked sarcastically.

I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Come here, faster," I said but she's not even moving and still in her position.

"Don't you want to chill first?" She asked.

"We can chill in the room. Come on, I'm tired." I said almost begging.

I saw her sighed and swim towards me.

As she gets off the water, I see her hour-glass body as she's only wearing two-piece showing her tone abs.

"Done staring?" She asked as she tied her hair making her collarbone and breast meet my eyes.

"Let's go, it's cold here," I said.

"Then why are you sweating?" She asked as she walks slowly to me and talks seductively.

I unconsciously gulped but still in my place.

Everything became fast as she pulls me and she jumps on the water. The last thing that happened was I'm in the water also and my bathrobe is completely wet along with my hair that I just dried.

"Oh my gosh! Somi!"

She just laughs and wraps her arms around my neck.

"I thought you don't want me to catch colds?" I asked and looking at her so done.

"Then let's make it hot." She said in her raspy tone and kissed me making me softened.

As she breaks in the kiss, she looks at me but this time, she's looking at me in need.

"I need you, babe." She whispered in my ears as she gives it a lick.

Oh fuck-

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