/Chapter Fifteen/

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Your PoV

After I talked to my father and stuck myself in my room for nothing, I went out to get some fresh air coz if not I don't know what will happen to me.

As I went out and walk I stopped as I saw a familiar person. We looked at each other for a minute then she greeted me.

"Good evening Y/N." She said and smiled.

I don't know if I should greet her back or what? I mean, I don't know-how. Should I? But she's the ex of my best friend...

"Good evening." I just said and walk ahead but then she speaks again so I stop.

"How's Umji?" She asked which made me look back at her.

I didn't answer instantly but I just gave her a confused look.

I don't really know. Is it normal that someone who is already your EX-girlfriend care for you? I mean is that possible? I don't know, sorry.

"What do you think?" I asked but I didn't expect that she'll get startled over it as I can see. I didn't mean to say it offensively but I think I just did.

Great Y/N, just great!

"I mean, what do you think? I may be her best friend but Umji is good at hiding her feelings." I just said and averted my eyes.

I heard her sighed which made me look at her. She looks really worried about Umji which gives me an annoying feel.

She just broke up with my best friend and now acting worried?


"About that, I'm sorry." She said

I frowned as I found her sentence sincere tho I don't know for what.

"For what?" I asked since I know she won't tell me if I won't ask her.

"You know, for hurting your best friend. I didn't mean to." She said looking down.

By that, I already had a clue. It just sounds that she feels sorry because she never loves Umji.

Am I right?

"What do you mean you didn't mean to hurt her. You should have known that you'll hurt her if you break up with her because she really loves you and you know that." I said as I can't resist it anymore.


I just sighed not because of frustration but because I feel pity for both of them. I don't know why but I just did. Somi sounds so sincere and I can't say that she's lying or faking her sorry now but knowing that Umji also got hurt...

"You don't love her, do you?" I asked that made her look at me.

"I did... I tried." She said that made me surprise for a bit.

"You tried?"

"I-im sorry." I clenched my fist as I heard her response then I didn't stop myself as my anger flow out.

"Sorry? All you can say is sorry? Really? Can you stop saying sorry? I know you really do but please stop it. Especially if you didn't even need to." I said that made her tear up.

Gosh, really!?

"What? I'm just saying that you shouldn't say sorry every time. Look I'm not siding you but it's good that you stop what's between you and Umji. I know you didn't really love her like how she loves you and that's enough reason for you to cut it out. It's unfair for my best friend, and if you'll just continue it then you're just fooling yourself." I said

She wiped her tears and nodded.

"I need to go." I just said as I saw that she's calm now but then she held my wrist. I looked at her but she just looking down that made me feel annoyed for a bit.

"T-thank you." She said between her sobs.

"It's nothing," I said and retrieved my hand as I continued to walk again.

While walking I can't stop thinking about Somi. It's just weird that I can't hate her but I can't also like her. Do you get it?

I can't like her because of an unreasonable act that she did. Like why the hell she'll enter into a relationship that she's not even sure with? I can't also hate her for that knowing that she really feels sorry about that.

Looking at somi, she didn't look like new into a relationship. I mean she's gorgeous, cute, umji said that she's kind, she has a good smi-..... WHAT THE FUCK!?

What I mean is, she may have her past relationships before Umji so I guess it's not new to her but what confused me is why she feels sorry, why she acts like it's all new to her?

I shook my head to forget all in my mind. As I think of that it's getting weirder and weirder gosh!

"Y/N!" I snapped as I heard someone called me and saw it's Dahyun and Umji who are approaching.

"Finally you went out on your cage," Umji said that made Dahyun laugh.

"Are you nocturnal? It's already night." Dahyun said and laugh again.

I just rolled my eyes playfully and smiled at them.

"Whatever, just go back to your rooms. I need to get some fresh air." I said

"Eomma Y/N, pfft!" Dahyun said and did a high five with Umji.


"Do you feel stressed again? Are you going back to the maze? Please don't." Umji said causing both of them to laugh again.

"Really? Did both of you talk about how to ruin my night huh?" I scoffed.

"Not really," Umji said and shrugged.

"Come on, we'll go with you," Dahyun said and clung to me while Umji also did. We walk out of the hostel and just walk outside.

As we walk around we can still see some people here.

"You said that today is our free day but you locked yourself in our room just to continue the presentation," Umji said and pouted.

"Presentation?" Dahyun butted in.

"Tomorrow we'll have another meeting. I hope I could close it. I need to so I improved my presentation." I said to them.

"Good luck then, I know you can do it!" Dahyun said and smiled.

"Yep, thanks."

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