/Chapter Fourteen/

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Your PoV

Dahyun and I went back to the others after we talked. I sat beside Umji and looked at her, gladly she's fine with them.

I mean if I was in her situation that I need to get along with my ex's friends, well I don't know what to do.

"You ok?" I asked to make sure.

She just smiled and nodded.

"Y/N, I heard from Dahyun that their café is now under on your company? So how it works?" Chaeyoung asked.

"We support the financial state of the café then promote them in different events," I said.

"Well, that's kinda good," Sana said.

We continued the talk, some are about the company and some are just about the random stuff. Then suddenly Nayeon opened up a topic.

"Y/N-ssi, do you remember? At the maze?" She asked which made me frowned.

"I'm actually waiting for Jeongyeon but then I saw you. I thought you are Jeongyeon ." She said that made me just smile.

"Since you said it, isn't quite destined? Jeongyeon unnie has the same surname as Y/N. Are you guys related?" Tzuyu asked.

I suddenly feel uneasy which Umji also noticed. I don't want to lie but I don't want to tell the truth on my own. I don't want unnie to think I'm making up a scene here especially it's her friends. Who knows?

"Many people say that they know someone who looks like me, I'm not surprised." I just said.

"Wait, Yoo Enterprise is founded by-"

"We are siblings. She's my younger sister." Jeongyeon unnie suddenly said that surprised me.

Actually all of us. After Jeongyeon unnie cut Jihyo's sentence all of us looked at her.

"What?" Nayeon asked.

"She's my younger sister." Jeongyeon unnie said as she continues to play with her plate.

I just gulped and looked at my plate to avoid those who are now looking at me.

"You said that she's d-" Jihyo said but eventually stopped.

The place was filled with a heavy silence. I stood up and bowed at them to take my leave.

"I need to do something. It's nice to have time with all of you. Ms. Son, I'll anticipate our next meeting." I said and bowed at her.

Umji also stood up and followed me as I left. When we are now far from them, Umji spoke up.

"What's up with her? I didn't expect that coming." Umji said while we're heading back to our room.

"I know, I'm surprised too," I said

I shut my eyes in frustration and opened the door as we arrived in front of our room.

"But I think I don't need to worry. She's the one who did that so she has the responsibility to explain it to them. I'll just think about the deal instead." I said and opened my laptop.

"Yeah right... Anyway, Somi is-"

"Umji, I thought you already accepted it," I said as I heard her name again.

"Of course, but do you think... Somi don't love me anymore?" She asked.

I just rolled my eyes and focused on the screen again.

"Maybe, why don't you ask her?" I said.


"Fine, I'll do it. Let me just finish this." I said

Suddenly Umji hugged me causing me to slam on my bed while she's on top of me hugging me tightly.

"Aigooo! Saranghae Y/N-nnie!!" She squeals.

"Aish, yah get off!" I said and sit up.

"Thank you!" She said with a big smile.

I know her, Umji may be so open to everyone but there are things that She can't do. Like this, she can't accept that Somi and she already broke up. Even if she told me that she already did, the fact that they are seeing each other I know she still loves Somi.

The only way to stop it is to know if Somi still loves Umji, which I doubt. Somi is a model, she interacts with many people. I'm not saying that there are much better than Umji but maybe Somi saw someone better than Umji, you know?

"Whatever is the result, please just accept it ok?" I said to Umji then she nodded instantly.

"Of course, you know that I can do it if you say so." She said

"What am I, your coach? Mentor? Master? Mother?" I asked continuously and laughed.

"You're my bestie and you know what is best." She said and hugged me again.

"Whatever," I said and giggled.

"Just tell me if you need help too, I want to help you back Y/N." She said

"I will, I'll tell it soon if ever I have," I said.


It's already late afternoon and I just stayed here in the room while Umji went out with Dahyun and the others. I still finishing a project proposal when my phone vibrated. I get it and saw a message from Ms. Son.

Ms. Son:
; Ms. Yoo, let's have a meeting tomorrow, 10:00 am

After that, I also replied and tell her that I'll come tomorrow. I went back on my thing and continued to look for a good substitute if Son's Corp will refuse the offer.

I don't know when I learned this but I keep on working on a plan B if ever my first plan won't work out. It's not that I'm not confident with the first plan but I just don't want time to be wasted. For me, time is the greatest enemy mine.

While browsing I saw one potential company.

'KC Company'

"Never heard before... but let me see," I said to myself and checked the company detail.

I'm busy checking when my phone rings again then when I checked it, it was dad.


"Yes, dad?" I said as I answered the call.

"Yes, tomorrow we'll have a meeting. Don't worry, I'll get it for the company." I said and ended the call right away.

I just mentally sighed as I realized that I've been doing this for 2 years yet I still don't know why?

Is it for the money?

For my parents?

For myself?

I don't know

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