/Chapter Seventy-Two/

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Third Person

After what happened, Y/N looked for Somi as she wants to explain to the latter the misunderstanding. She went to Dahyun's room but didn't saw Somi there.

"Unnie, have you seen Somi?" Y/N asked Jihyo.

"No, why?"

"Nothing," Y/N said and looked into the other's room.

She knocked on Sana's room and waits on a response as the door went open and saw Sana.


"Is Somi is staying there?" Y/N asked.

Sana looks inside as she's hesitating to answer.

"Let me come in, I need to explain-"

"I don't want to talk to her!"

Y/N was startled as she heard the voice coming from inside the room.

Sana looked at Y/N worryingly and sighed.

"Sorry Y/N, Somi is not ready to face you. You know that she's not in the right mood plus this happened at least let it swing down." Sana said and closed the door.

Y/N halted back as she runs her fingers on her hair because of the frustration and mix emotions she's feeling.

She gets her phone and tried to contact Somi multiple times but the latter is not answering.

She cussed as she grips her phone and placed her hand across her face expressing exasperation.

Walking out of the hotel, she doesn't know what to do. She just drives back to her apartment and sat on her bed.

Many words wanted to be said but nothing went out. She just covered her face with her hands as she lets her tears stream out of her eyes.

Only darkness of her room and sobs are with Y/N. Once again, she felt alone.

Meanwhile at the hotel.

"Jeongyeon what is that? You're acting not in your age again!" Nayeon scolded.

"What do you mean what is that? I'm just protecting our friend, she's being a fool!"

Nayeon looks unbelievably at Jeongyeon as she halted back.

"Yeah, and that person is your sister."

"So what are you saying? I should tolerate her? She's using a person!"

"Tolerate? You literally don't care about her!"

Jeongyeon frowned and looked at Nayeon.

"I'm her sister, you can't say that to me because you are not me."

"Jeongyeon I'm your girlfriend, I'm responsible to help you with your decisions! You're literally being unfair on Y/N. You didn't even let her explain her pa-"

"Explain what? Nayeon why are you like that? You're acting up as you've known her." Jeongyeon ranted back.

"Y/N talked to me last time. She went to the ho-"

"So that's why? Seriously Nayeon, you're siding her. I've been noticing it. Are you having a relationship with my sister huh?" Jeongyeon said.

Instead of answering, Nayeon slaps Jeongyeon making her wince.

"You've been busy on your work, trying to prove yourself after you run away to your responsibilities. I stay and support you and now you're accusing me that I'm cheating with your sister!?"

"I-I'm sorry-"

"Y/N went to the house to say that she's happy that I stayed beside you! She even told me to stay as always beside you! She went there to say that she gave up the company!"


"She refuses to marry Chungha because she knows that even if she won the company without marrying Chungha, her father will still force her. She also said that she'll be seeking on the life that you've told her." Nayeon said panting.

"She resigned on Chungha. Maybe she wasn't able to inform your father. But one thing is I am sure. Those two, Y/N and Somi are in love with each other."

"But you ruined it," Nayeon added.

"You know what? You should congratulate yourself too. For winning on taking the life that Y/N should be having right now." Nayeon said and left.

Jeongyeon was left guilty standing in the area. She clenched her fist as she felt she became a bad sister to her younger sister.

A mix of guilt and shame runs into her system as she doesn't know what to do now.

Your PoV

[Kriiing Kriiing!]

I snapped as if  I didn't even sleep. I get up on my bed and turned down the alarm grasping my hair to wake myself.

It's like the feeling of awake but sleepy. Sleepy but tired of sleeping.

I don't even know if I slept or I just closed my eyes.

I roamed my eyes hoping that any sign of Somi will show up but saw nothing.

I checked my phone if there is any reply to my text on her but found none.

I called her expecting her to answer but just a while ago, nothing was answered.

I throw my phone on my bed and lay down again.

"How can I fix this?"

"Hey Y/N, What's with the face?"

I looked at Tris as he greeted me.


"Nothing, just the usual expression you wear compared the yesterday." He said.

"Why are you here tho? I thought you want me to sub?"

"No need, I'll take a look at the booths," I said and walks inside the venue.

I mean, what would I do at home? I don't know, I need to think, and can think I need to do something.

"Where is Somi?"

"S-she's not here?" I asked him.

"Well yeah, it's already an hour."

She's not coming, she's probably avoiding me.

"She's probably busy... I heard Doyeon is fine already." I said.

"Oh, that would be great. Tell her that I really thank her."


If I could talk to her again...

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