/Chapter Eighty/

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Somi's PoV

"Tomorrow after we talk to unnie, let's go to your house," Y/N said as she dries her hair and sitting in front of her mirror.


"You're staying here right?" She said and looked at me in the mirror.

I laughed and nod.

"Oh yeah."

"Oh, your turn, let me help you." She said and stood up to let me sit on her chair.

I chuckled in joy and let her do my hair. We just finished taking shower together after we finished what we are watching.

No, we didn't really watch, hehe.

I look at Y/N's reflections as she is so serious about drying my hair. We are both wearing the same white robes.

"You'll look sexier if you'll take it off," I said making her look at me through the mirror.

A smirk flashed on her lips as she shook my head.

"Shut up, we just finished taking shower."

"We can take a shower again after, or take a shower while doing it."

I laughed as she didn't reply anymore and started to turn red.

She really is not used to talking about it but when we are doing it... she so!

"My babe is a shy top." I giggled.

I look up head and smiled at her.

"I love you, babe."

She smiled and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"I love you more."

Gosh, she's so sweet!

"Let's watch again," I said and stood up. She froze in her place making me laugh.

"No, we are really going to watch. Let's change the movie." I said and dragged her out of her room.

As we arrived there I saw the mess that we made a while ago.

"Oh Y/N, Look what you've done," I said to her and chuckled.

We sat on her couch and started a new movie.

I leaned on her comfortably while her hand is on my waist.



"Do you miss the company?" I asked.

She leaned forward on me making our eyes met.

"Not really." She said.

I just nod and look at the TV.

"But do you want to go back if ever?"

I heard her hummed as if she gets my question.

"Unnie can manage the company." She said.

"But in other company, if ever?"

"Yeah, if there's a chance... I mean why not?"

I smiled and nod.


"Why did you ask?"



Another morning has come, I woke up seeing Y/N sleeping beside me. I never thought that morning could be this so perfect when the first thing I saw is her.

"Hey, wake up," I said as I tapped her flat tummy.

She groaned slightly and pulled me closer to her but still, her eyes were shut.

"Hmm?" She almost moaned.

"We're seeing your sister. Come on."

"Five minutes." She mumbled and buried herself much closer to me that I can feel the thud of her heartbeat.

"Ok, I'll go to the shower," I said and about to left but she stopped me.

"No, stay."

I don't know if she's drunk or she just became sweeter than before.

That's more what I like.

"We still need to go to my house and grab some things."

"Just use my clothes, I won't mind."

"Y/N," I called up.

I never thought she can be like this. I'm not complaining tho, but she's showing me a new side of her. Childish side, to be specific.

"Ok, fine." She said and sat up.

She brushed her eyes as she stretched her arms widely. In my awestruck, I jumped on her making her lay back again.

"Fine, let's stay for 5 minutes." I giggled.

She laughs ear to ear which I want to see every day. She smiles so precious making me fall for her even more. I can truly see the happiness that I am giving to her which satisfies me the most.

"I love you, forever," I said and gave her a light kiss.

"I love you too. Let's go." She said and suddenly carry me all the way to the bathroom.

"Unnie!"  I squeal as we arrived at the place where Nayeon unnie and I plus Y/N and me should meet.

"Wow, you guys truly look good together." Jeongyeon unnie said with her eyes widened.

"I know right, your younger sister is kinda hot for my cutie personality," I said making Y/N blushed.

I guess she does not use making and showing her love in front of others. Which is not a big thing for me, as long as she loves me.

"Come on Yoo, Don't be like that. Are you a bot?" Jeongyeon suddenly asked making her receive a smack on Nayeon.


"Yah, so what if Y/N is bottom? She's shy so it's expected." Nayeon unnie said.

I looked at Y/N and she's fully red now. If you guys just know.

"Guys guys, chill. We need to talk right?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, before that. Can I talk to you first?" Jeongyeon unnie said.

I nod and looked at Y/N as she's not bothered. Y/N and Nayeon unnie sat at the other table while Jeongyeon unnie and I are at the same table.

"Are you sure? It's fine?" I asked.

"Yeah, dad and Y/N should keep it cool first. Dad will forgive Y/N too just like what he did to me." Jeongyeon unnie said.

I was actually planning to go back to Canada but this time, I want Y/N to go with me. But of course, I need her sister's approval.

"That's great!"

"Did you tell her already about this?"

"Not yet. I mean her friends are here. Her study plus you guys. I hope she can go with me. If not then I have no choice. We need to live away from each other for a while."

The reason why I need to get back to Canada is to pursue what I want. But I don't want Y/N to be separated from me either as I know she has a goal here too.

"I want to tell her... but she sacrificed too much in our relationship."

"Somi, Y/N will understand you. Just try it."

I hope so...

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