/Chapter Five/

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Your PoV



I unconsciously stood up on my chair as I saw her looking at me.

"Jeongyeon unnie, you know her—wait... ...Why I didn't notice it?" I heard Dahyun mumbled.

"I-I'll leave. Thanks for the talk, Mrs. Lee. Your café can count on us." I said and grabbed my things.

Before I could pass, I looked at Jeongyeon unnie who's not even looking at me.

I get in my car and drive myself to our company.

While driving, I can't erase in my head the figure of Jeongyeon unnie.
She looks more independent and fine right now.

"You changed so much, good for you."


Third Person

/At the café/

As Y/N left, Jeongyeon sat on her chair as nothing happened.

"I want a coffee, dahyun," Jeongyeon said and pulled out her phone.

Dahyun just nodded and asked her staff to make a coffee while dahyun cleaned the cup and plate that was left.

"Unnie, are you ok?" Dahyun asked.

"Yeah, Nayeon will arrive later. I'm just waiting for her." Jeongyeon said and turned her attention to her phone again.

"D-do you know Y/N?" Dahyun asked that made Jeongyeon stopped scrolling and looked at Dahyun.


"But you called her name a while ago... Sorry but, I just realized that you had the same last name. You're somehow lo—"

"Dahyun I said no, I don't know her ok?"

"She called you 'unnie'."

"You probably heard it wrong. I don't know her."


They both stopped as Nayeon arrived and walk beside Jeongyeon.

"Hey Dahyun, are you busy?"

"Not really, I just finished my important meeting with an investor," Dahyun said and glance at Jeongyeon. As their eyes met, Jeongyeon averted it.

"Really? Did you get it?" Nayeon asked with excitement.

"Yeah, gladly."

"That's good to know! Well anyway, we're planning to visit Momo. It's her birthday now."

"Oh! I forgot, uhm just go first. I'll visit her after Eunwoo finishes his thing here." Dahyun said and smiled

"Ok then, let's go, Jeong. Dahyun we'll go ahead." Nayeon said and smile.

Dahyun just nodded and they both left after that.

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