/Chapter Fifty/

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Your PoV

"Good afternoon, sorry I was late. Got in heavy traffic." I said as I put down my bag on my table.

"How's your first day?" Chungha asked as she stood up from my chair.

"I'm here as an assistant Ms. Kim, my personal life is out of this building," I said.

"Is that so, well here's your works. Have a great work." Chungha said as she points the papers to my table.

She left and went back to her office. I sat on my chair and checks the paper. It's not that hard for me since I've been doing this since then.

I noted all the schedules for tomorrow and the other days. Signed some papers and note some important information that I'll be giving to Chungha.

In the midway of my work, my phone rings and when I checked it, it's Somi.

I turned off my phone and continued to do my work.

"Wow you're so serious," Chungha said as she's looking on the door jab of her office.

"Is this a joke for you?" I asked.

"I mean, you can answer the call, or maybe that person is not very important for you?"

I stood up and get the files.

"Here's your schedule for tomorrow, I organize it based on secretary Bae's instruction."

"Just this?" Chungha said unsatisfied.

I smiled and sighed.

"Here's your schedule for the next day and next week. You have sequential meetings. And many more."

It's already past 8 when I finished my work for today. I went to my car and drive back to my apartment.

"Gosh, why you're not answering my phone calls?"

I look at the person who spoke up as I went out of the car and saw Somi.

"Are you really crazy?" I inquired and opened the door of my apartment.

Without asking me, or letting her, she walked in and walk into the living room.

"Excuse me, ma'am, do you live here?" I blunt as I closed the door and followed her.

"No, but my heart lives here." She said and put notebooks on the table.

"Hey what are you doing? The tutoring time is every lunch break of the class. I told you about that before." I said.

"I'm not asking you to tutor me, I'm here because I can focus here rather than my house." She said and opened her notes.

"Gosh, Somi! Of all people, you are the only... The others could never come close to you." I hissed and walks into the kitchen to get water.

I just felt dehydrated after talking to her, gosh.


I walked out of the kitchen with the water with me and look at Somi.


"How do you get this one?" She asked and points on a problem written in her notes.

I sighed in defeat and sat beside her.

"Listen and stop doing unnecessary things," I said and started to teach her.

"Oh, that's how." She uttered.

I looked at my watch and realized it's already 9:30 pm.

"You should go home, it's getting late."

"Ok that's all for today, thank you for your help baby."

"Shut up and leave."

"Tss, fine." She said and keeps her things.

"Wait, do you have your car with you?" I asked.

"Why, are you going to drop me back at my home?" She asked with a playful smile on her lips.

"You're not paying me to do so," I said and lay down on the couch.

"Tch, Don't worry. I have my car. You must be tired, take your res-"

"Just go somi, I'm tired talking to you." I hissed.

"I'll hug you? Hugs are good treats for tiredness." She said.

"Just g-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence when Somi jumps at me.

"Argh! Somi you're heavy, for Pete's sake!" I blunt as I tried to push her out on my top.

"I love you Y/N, you're such a savior!" She squeals as she squeezes me even more.

"Go home, it's getting late!"

She stops and moves out.

"You're so cute, I'm falling for you."

"Uhuh, seems so practiced, how many times you said that to the others?" I said and sat up.

She just hissed and stand up.

"Fine, I'll leave. Let's see each other tomorrow." She said and walks out.

As Im assured that she's not around anymore, I slammed myself back to the couch and shuts my eyes.

"How can she even act that way?" I hissed.

I'm about to get back in my room when my phone rings.


["Y/N-ssi! Are you busy tomorrow?"]

"Oh Umji, not really, why?" I asked.

["I have something to tell you, kinda important but yeah."]

"Can't tell it to the phone?"

["Oh yes, just tell me when you are free."]

" Ok, I'll text you," I said.

After that, I ended the call and get back in my room.

I didn't bother myself to eat as I feel so tired. I flopped in my bed and closed my eyes letting myself drift into sleep.



"Y/N! Come here!"

I look around as I heard a voice. It's not far nor close. I looked around and saw nothing but white fog.

"What the heck?" I uttered.

Am I dreaming or what?

I walk wherever my feet bring me until something different showed up. In my place that is full of white fog, a red elastic string snaked into my pinky finger.

In my curiosity, I followed it and saw a colorful smoke. No, it's like a fog with colors. I'm not actually sure about it. As I walk into the boundary an alluring scent greeted me.

It turns out that the colorful fog was scented.

At that point, I was assured that I am dreaming.


I followed the voice and realized that it is where the red string wants me to go too.

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