/Chapter Twenty-Five/

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Your PoV

After confronting dad, I went back to the hospital to check mom.

"You can go, I'll look after her," I told to the maid.

"Ok, Ms. Yoo."

I just sat still as I wait on mom to gain her consciousness again. I already talked to the doctor and they said that it's something that I shouldn't have worried about.

I can't believe dad did this. Just because he didn't get the deal. Probably he felt embarrassed that his own daughter who works for the biggest company just rejected the offer of partnership. Not just once but twice. Jeongyeon unnie didn't choose our own company and now she's part of the biggest one. She has the chance to made the partnership come true but she didn't.

I don't even know who to blame... Is it dad for having his shit? Jeongyeon unnie for being selfish? Mom from being stubborn... or myself who has nothing to do just to follow what my dad wants.

"Jeongyeon." I heard my mom said

"Mom, are you ok now?" I asked as I walk beside her bed.

"Y/N, where's your sister?"

I clenched my fist upon hearing her question.

How could she look for someone who's the cause why she nearly died!?

"You should stop looking for her, because of that you had these," I said not trying to raise my voice.

"It's just an accident."

I scoffed as I heard her reason. I don't know if she's stupid or she just thinks that I am stupid.

"Accident? You got bruises all over your body even your face. Dad hits you, didn't he?" She went quiet after that.

"I told you, we cannot go back on what we used before! Stop dreaming about it, mom!"

"Shut up! Jeongyeon needs us!"

I chuckled bitterly and avert my eyes as It starting to release tears.

"I need you more mom! Why can't you realize that!? You'll be dead if you continue to set us together!" I yelled.

"Your father is drunk that time. He didn't know what he-"

"Shut up! He clearly can remember what he did to you! And he doesn't give his shit about it!"


"I went to the company. Do you know what he said? It's just a fight of husband and wife? Is this just a fight? He nearly kills you!"

Mom reached my arm but I shove it away.

"Please! Just stop hoping that we'll be back as we are before. I lost unnie and now I don't want to lose you either! Can't you understand that? Can't you just consider it for me!?" I asked as I started to cry.


"Jeongyeon unnie thinks I died a few years ago."

"No, she won't think that way."

"She did mom! That's what her friends told me! Do you know how much pain it causes to me!? I don't really care but It hurts!"

She didn't respond after that. I wiped my tears and just went back on the couch.

"Just take your rest, I'll be looking after you," I said as nothing happened.

Now I'm starting to realize it. It's all syncing. My life is a mess. It's whole trash. Why do I even need to suffer like this?

Is meeting you again is the worst decision that happened?

I just felt blank suddenly. I'm just staring at the table.

I have a mom who doesn't even consider my needs.

I have a sister who sees me as a dead person and doesn't even care about me.

I have a father who's acting up like a jerk. But I can't do anything just to do what he wants.

My whole life is a mess... This is so sick

I walk out of my mom's room as I need to use the comfort room. My mom's room doesn't just have a comfort room so I need to go out.

While strolling, I saw someone familiar.

"Y/N, who are you visiting here?" Somi asked

"My mom. Why are you here?" I asked back.

"I'm just visiting someone." She said and smiled.

I looked at her from up to down as I realize she's lying.

"Then why are you wearing the patient's uniform?" I asked that made her look at herself.

"If you're going to lie, better to do it not to me," I said and about to walk again but she stopped me.

"Why are you here again?"

"It's a thing that you shouldn't know. Go back to your room." I said

"Are you drunk?" She asked which made me frowned.


"You're acting up as you hated me again. You are just like that last night when you're drunk." She said that made me stopped

So I really did something strange last night. I hope I didn't hurt her through my words.

"I'll go now."

"Wait, c-can you stay for a while? I need accompany."

"I need to pee, bye," I said and started to walk and find the comfort room.

As I found it, I walk in and did my thing.

What is she doing here by the way??

"It's none of your business Y/N," I said to myself and wash after I finished.

As I went out of the cubicle, I saw Somi leaning on the counter.

I just ignored her and wash my hands. After that, I walked out.

"I'm just here to have a check-up." She said and walk beside me.


"I just want to tell you. You might misunderstand."

"I don't need to understand it, I don't even care about it," I said

"You're hurting me if you just don't know." She said

"You said that you heard me last time like this. You should have to get used to it if you want to talk to me." I said.

"So this is the real you? Does that mean you just acted like you don't hate me before?"

"I don't like you before, I don't hate you neither."

"Ohh... that's interesting."

"It's not, go back to your room."

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