/Chapter Thirty-Nine/

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Your PoV

As I saw Jeongyeon unnie arrives, I immediately left the place. I walked into my room and I suddenly remembered what dad said to me awhile ago.


While I am staying in my room, I recite a call from dad.

"What makes him call me at this time?" I mumbled.


["Your sister went here."]

My ears flicked as I heard what he said.


["I need to talk to you. Asap."]

"What is it?"

["About the company."]

End of Flashback

I just sighed and packs all my stuff.
Not too long, I decided to leave my room and as I went out, I saw Somi.

"You're leaving?" She asked.

"So what?" I said annoyingly.

"Is that about the k-"

"Somi please, just forget it." I hissed and about to walk when she holds my wrist.

"What's wrong with you? Why are acting up like that? Aren't you tired?"

I looked at her as my brows flicked.

"Stop acting you know me, will you? Please... just stop." I said and continued to walk.

I get in my car and drive myself back to the company. At some point, I'm starting to feel a bad feeling. Whenever Somi comes there's trouble after that. That's why I hate seeing that girl.

"The audacity to tell that I am acting up... How is she to tell a thing as she knows me?" I muttered.

After almost an hour of driving, I arrived at the company. It's already 9:00 pm but I think dad is still in the company.

"Ms. Yoo, good evening." Dad's secretary's said.

"Good evening," I said and entered dad's office without hesitation.

"Good evening Mr. Yoo," I said and bowed.

"Sit down."

As he said that, I walk to the vacant chair and composed myself.

"Your sister came here. She said that she'll leave Son's corp and her friend is fine with that."

I looked at him surprisingly as If I know what will happen next.

"So to be fair, I want to see what the both of you can do."

"What?" I uttered as my lips started to tremble because of anger.

"To say, your sister has the more experience. She-"

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