/Chapter Twenty-Two/

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Somi's PoV

As We arrived at Y/N's house, I parked my car first then tries to wake Y/N.

"Y/N, hey Y/N," I called up as I shake her.

"Huh?" She uttered

"Your key? We're at your house." I said

She pushed me away and walk out of the car. I was surprised for a bit because she still can walk. I just sighed and get Umji. I followed Y/N and saw her on the couch laying.

"Where I should put Umji?" I asked

She just pointed to a room still her eyes being shut.

I nodded and opened the room. I put Umji first on the bed and arranged the blanket.

As I made sure that Umji is fine, I decided to go. I'm about to go out when I stopped as I saw a picture frame. It was Y/N and Jeongyeon unnie. They are still a kid that time.

"They seem so close. What happened?" I mumbled.

I walk out and close the door, I saw Y/N dashing into the comfort room. In my curiosity, I followed her and saw she's vomiting.

"A-are you ok? Will you be fine if I left?" I asked with full concern.

"Just go, I can handle Umji." She said

"How about you?"

"No one cares, thanks anyway." She said and tried to stand up but ended up slamming herself on the floor.


I thought she's fine already but she started to vomit again.

"Oh sure, you'll not be fine without someone here," I mumbled. I walk out and look for her kitchen. I tried to look for something sort of drinks or soup that can be just heated but her fridge is empty.

"What's the sense of having this if you don't have any stuff inside?"


I was startled as I heard a loud sound outside, I run out and saw Y/N on the floor.

"What the, are you ok?" I asked but she didn't answer. She just lay sideways like she's enjoying the floor.

"Seriously, I didn't expect you to be like this when you're drunk. Umji is loud when she's fine but now she's sleeping finely. And you.... you're the opposite." I said as if she would understand.

She stood up and suddenly grab my collar.

"Why did you hurt Umji?" She asked that made me surprise

"A-are you mad?"

Stupid, of course, she is

She pushed me and walk to the couch again.

"I'm asking you, are you mad?" I asked

The last time I asked her she said she didn't. Is she lying?

"You guys are troublesome." She mumbled


"Why do I even met you all. Can't I just live with Umji, with my best friend?" She asked.

I walk closer so I could hear her. Her face is covered with her arms so I can't say if she's just having a sleep talk or she's awake.

It doesn't matter since she's drunk anyway, so she's like sleep talking too right?

"Why I can't live freely? Why do I need to do what is said to be done." She said

This time she uncovered her face and looked at me. It was my first time seeing her lonely eyes. Sometimes whenever we are with the squad or she's fine, she really looks fine.

"A-are you... crying?"

"Who cares?"

I suddenly feel sad about her, maybe that's the reason why she doesn't have it. She doesn't have a scent of love because she never experienced to be love... but how about her parents? Umji? Or Jeongyeon unnie? I bet they are fine before the issue between them. Did it just disappear?

Is it because she never felt to be loved by someone or because she never loves someone?

"I'm sorry, for hurting your best friend. I didn't mean to... It just, It's for the better." I said

"Better... I hope I know what's the feeling of being in the state of better." She mumbled and moved sideways.

"Y/N, You'll be better soon," I said but I didn't get any replies.

It's already morning and I'm on my way back to Y/N's house. I didn't go home, I just went outside to buy some groceries.

As I arrived there, Y/N is still sleeping on the couch. I put down the groceries in the kitchen and started to cook for the breakfast.


I looked back and saw Umji who seems just woke up.

"Aren't you feeling unwell? Are you fine?" I asked

"Yeah, why are you here?" She asked

I put out all the groceries and just get all I needed.

"You both can't drive yourself back so I did. You slept even before we finished the celebration." I explained.

"Y/N? How's Y/N."

"She just keeps on vomiting last night. She's on the couch." I said

"Did she drink too much?"

"Yeah... I guess."

I turned back and opened the stove when I suddenly felt Umji's arms around my waist.


"I miss you, don't you miss me?"

"Umji... You know that we're over." I said

I don't want to hurt her but if she still thinks that I still love her, then I should clear up things.

"But why are you like that? Acting concerned to me?" She asked

"N-no... Umji, you misunderstood it... I did it because.... because we're friends." I said

She removed her arms on my waist.

"Are we really going to end up as friends? I can't... why Somi?"

"Umji... Sorry."

I didn't hear any response that made me conclude that she already left.

I sighed in relief and continued what I'm doing when I heard someone coming.

"S-somi? Why are you here?" Y/N asked who's completely messed up.

"I brought you guys here. Sorry if I entered your kitchen."

"Where's Umji?"

"At your room... I guess."

She walks out without any response.

"She's too concerned with Umji, is that because she's the only person she has... I pity her." I mumbled and continued to cut the ingredients.

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