/Chapter Three/

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Your PoV


I opened my eyes as I heard continuous sound of phone calls. I looked at my phone but realized it's not from me. So, I turned my gaze to Umji who's sleeping beside me.

"Yah! Your phone keeps on ringing!" I growled and went back to sleep.

I felt Umji moved out of my bed. The sounds from her phone stopped and then I heard the sound of a closing door that made me conclude that Umji went out.


I mentally cursed as I heard my alarm clock.

"Really? What a good way to ruin my day!"

I went off of my bed and go to the bathroom to take a shower as I remember that I need to go to the company to check it.

"Y/N! My girlfriend will arrive later to pick me. Can she eat here before we go? I'll cook for us." I heard outside the bathroom.

"Alright!" I yelled back.

Aishh I still can't believe that the most innocent and girly girl that I know has a girlfriend. I'm not against it but it really surprised me.

After taking a bath, I walked to my closet and look for something to wear. Since I'm just checking the company, I decided to wear casual clothes.

I went out of my room and heard Umji in the kitchen cooking.

I opened the TV as I dried my hair with a towel when I heard a doorbell.

"Y/N! Maybe it's her. Can you open the door, I can't leave this." Umji yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah, ok," I said and walked to the door. As I opened the door, a girl with a wide smile greeted me.

"Hi! Is Umji is here? I'm her girlfriend. She texted me that she's here."

I looked at her from head to toe but I did it in a way that she won't feel uncomfortable with me.

"Oh, she's here. She's just cooking for our breakfast. Would you like to come?" I asked.

"Is that fine?"

"Of course. Wait at the living room and I'll inform Umji." I said and let her come.

I walked to the kitchen at told Umji that the person she's waiting for is already waiting for her in the living room. She finished her things and prepared them after.

"I'll help you," I said and get the tray to her.

We walked back to the living room and put down the tray on my table.

"Feel free to eat. Umji cooked that." I said.

"But first, Y/N I'd like you to meet Jeon Somi, She's my girlfriend. Somi, this is my best friend. She's Yoo Y/N." Umji introduces.

Somi smiled at me and offered a shaking hand which I accepted.

"Nice meeting you, uhm not to offend but you look like someone I know. You also had the same surname as her." She said

"Really? That's kinda interesting." I said and just smiled back.

"Oh but she's not available, she already got her partner." She said that made me frowned.

"Somi, you're wrong. Y/N is not interested in that stuff." Umji said as she sips her cup of tea.

"Oh." She utters and looked at me.

"I don't have time for that," I said

"I see..."


Somi's PoV

"Goodbye Y/N! See you, just call me anytime!" Umji said as we are now in the car.

"Take care!"

After bidding goodbye to each other, I started my car.

"Umji, you've been friends with Y/N since when again?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Oh well, we've been friends for how many years already. I grew up with her. We just got separated when I went to Japan." Umji said.

"Why?" She continued

"She looks like someone I knew."

"Hmm... She actually has an older sister."

"Really? Is she a Yoo also?" I asked

"HAHAHA! Of course! Yoo Jeongyeon is the name of her older sister."

"What?! Omg! I knew she kinda looks like Jeongyeon unnie!" I said

"You know her?"

"Yup, we're in the same circle of friends. Omg, I never thought she has a younger sister." I said and shakes my head in disbelief.

"Maybe because they are not that close. Jeongyeon unnie is not with their family for years already. While Y/N just got separated from her parents just now." Umji said.


"Anyway, I'd like to meet your other friends. Now that you met Y/N, I guess it's time for you to introduce me to your squad." She said and gave me a smile.

"You don't need to remind me. That's actually the reason why I came to her house and pick you. It's Jeongyeon unnie's birthday so I decided to introduce you to them."

"Oh right! I forgot about that!"

"Would you like to invite Y/N too?" I asked.

"I think she won't come. She's too busy with her parents' business."



After Umji prepared herself and also after buying the gifts that will be giving to Jeongyeon unnie, we head to the place where the party will hold.

"Good—oh. You brought a friend...Who is she?" Chaeyoung asked as she opened the gate and greet me.

"Can we enter first? Then we'll talk about it inside?" I said which Chaeyoung replied with a laugh and nod.

We went inside and saw the others. Nayeon unnie who's busy fixing her birthday girl. Sana unnie who's talking to Tzuyu. Jihyo unnie with Daniel Oppa. Sowon and Eunha. Mina came in as she saw Chaeyoung. Dahyun with Eunwoo preparing the foods.

"Wussup!" I snapped as Chungha appeared.

"Bet you are Umji? Somi talks about you a lot. I'm Chungha, Somi's best friend." Chungha said.

"Hello, I'm Umji."

"Guys! Somi brought her girlfriend!" Chungha yelled that catches the attention of the others.


"Oh! She's your girlfriend? Why?" Chaeyoung asked.


"I'm asking her," Chaeyoung said and points to Umji that made the others laugh.

"Wow, thanks," I said and rolled my eyes.

"Umji, oh so you're here. And wow." Jeongyeon said to Umji.

"Know her?" Nayeon asked.

"Yeah, she's the best friend of... someone I know."

I looked at Umji and she also did the same as we are thinking the same way.

"Ok let's start the party!"

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